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I could feel Izu's tears soak into my clothes. Not to mention the way he's clinging onto my back.

Kaminari: "Look Izu....if you want to punch me or even worse, not be my friend anymore I totally understand."

It is my fault that they didn't end back together.

Izuku: "Denki..."

I blushed suddenly hearing him say my name like that.

Kaminari: "Y-Yeah?"

I looked down at him and he slowly looked up at me. I started to lean in but, stopped myself a few inches away.

I can't kiss him, I caused him too muc—

I could feel him grab my head and pull us together.

His lips are so plump and soft. Like the day when I kissed him for the first time. We separated and stared at each other again. Soon enough leaning in again for a kiss. I held Izuku closer to me.

I didn't want to let him go this time.

This time he isn't drunk.

This time he took the intuitive.

And this time, I will go all the way.

I grab Izu by his shoulders and look him in the eyes. I could see his eyes widen and his face heat up. He looked away from me but I grabbed his chin and slowly made him look at me again. I lean in and kiss him again. This time more passionately. I slid my hand down, under his shirt. This made him jump a bit but, he didn't pull away.

Izuku: "Denki....shouldn't we....do this on the bed?"

I could feel myself get flustered. Like an idiot, I was gonna do him on the floor. Ugh I feel like a virgin all over again. I could just hear him laugh at me.

Denki: "Dont laugh..."

Izuku: "I'm sorry, I guess I'm just use to someone taking the lead."

I could see his face sadden again. I cup his face in my hand and...

Denki: "I love you Izuku, I was being an idiot for not noticing my own feelings."

I could feel his face heat up. But he still looked sad. I just want to get him smiling again.

Denki: "Izuku..."

Izuku: "I'm sorry....I just....I just can't give you the answer you deserve right now. I'm so hung up on Bakugou right now. Just thinking of getting into another relationship it...it..."

I could see him on the brink of tears. I wrap my arms around him again.

Denki: "I can wait. It's okay. You don't need to worry about it for now. Just get whatever your feeling out."

I could see him begin to shake and cry. He clinged to me again. It must hurt. I mean, we all thought they were a done deal. I just held him as tight as I could. This is the only thing I can do for him right now.

3rd person
Izuku skipped class for a few days. Denki for once started taking notes just to hand them over to Izuku. When Izuku finally decided to come out of his dorm he clinged onto Denki. He kept quiet but what worried everyone was his smile. He wouldn't smile anymore. They all knew he needed time.

Denki: "Hey, how about we eat out tonight Izu? I'll invite Mina!"

For once, the small boy gave a small smile.

Izuku: "Yeah....that sounds fun."

As Denki texted Mina Izuku grabbed onto his arm as they walked. Bakugou walking to his next class noticed them.

Bakugou: "OI!"

Can we be More than Friends? _- Complete -_Where stories live. Discover now