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Izuku: "Kacchan? Kacchan! Kacchan please slow down! You're starting to hurt my wrist...."

He walked into his dorm when he finally stopped walking. I could feel his grip get tighter on me though.

Izuku: "Kacchan....?"

He simply rammed me into the wall.

Izuku: "Kacchan wait! You know I don't like it like this!"

He kept trying to kiss me. I could feel him touch me everywhere.

Izuku: "I. Said. NO!"

I then pushed him off. When we finally looked at eachother I could see the anger in his eyes.

Izuku: "Kaccha—?"

Bakugou: "JUST SHUT UP!"

I closed my mouth and just stared at him. It's been awhile since I saw him like this.

Bakugou: "So?"

Izuku: "Huh?"

Bakugou: "Do you like him?"

Izuku: "Kaccha—"

Bakugou: "DO YOU LIKE HIM!?"

Izuku: "No. Kacchan......you know I've loved you for so long..."

Bakugou: "Then why the hell was he kissing you!?"

Izuku: "I didn't even know he was going to do that!"



Kacchan soon enough walked out the door. As I stared at the door, I could feel the tears fall. I can't believe we actually had a fight....

I slowly fell to my knees and just stared at the floor. I know I still love Kacchan. Obviously I would get flustered if someone else complimented me. I didn't even see Kami come in for a kiss. Was it my fault....?

Kaminari: "What am I going to do!?"

Mina: "You've screwed up big time..."


Kirishima: "I can try to talk to Bakubro. The real problem is your relationship with Midoriya. It wasnt very manly what you did to him."

Kaminari: "I know...."


Kirishima: "It's Bakubro. He wants to blow off some steam. That my leave then. I'll talk to him, just try to clean up with Midoriya."

Kaminari: "Yeah, alright...."

Mina: "Bye Kirishima!"

With Kirishima leaving I just sulked down onto the table.

Mina: "Cheer up Kami! You know how Midoriya is. He wouldn't hold a grudge against you."

Kaminari: "Yeah I know that but......but this is different! I kissed him! When he was clearly in a relationship!"

Mina: "I know! Why don't I invite him here and we can all talk it out!"

Kaminari: "Yeah.....I don't think I could talk to him by myself...."

As Mina pulled up her phone and texted Izu. I couldn't help but remember how he looked right after I kissed him. His freckles cheeks all pink......his cute green eyes wide open.......and his plump lips.....


Mina: "KAMI! Why would you slam your head on the table!?"

Kaminari: "Mina......I don't think I can be Izuku's friend anymore...."

Mina: "So you've finally realized your feelings..."

Kaminari: "What?"

Mina: "It was pretty obvious you liked Izu since high school."

Kaminari: "What!?"

Mina: "I guess you are dummy then."

Kaminari: "HEY!"

Izuku: "Oh.....you're here Kami...."

Kaminari: "Izu...."

Mina: "Well now that you're both here. You guys need to talk it out. You guys are best friends for crying out loud!"

Me and Izu simply stared at eachother. I guess......I should come clean now that I know how I feel....

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