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Izuku: "Damn it Kacchan...."

Bakugou: "It's cute when you're angry."

I blushed at his statement and began to dress myself.

Izuku: "Well unlike you, I have a class in 30 minutes."

Bakugou: "You don't have another class after that right?"

Izuku: "Not for today, no."

Bakugou: "I'll come get you after class then. We'll go on a date to make you feel better."

Izuku: "Really!? You usually don't like dates."

Bakugou: "Well I said we're going on one, didn't I?

Izuku: "Oh Kacchan! You're the best!"

I lunged myself toward him and wrapped my arms around him.

Bakugou: "Yeah, yeah. Now hurry up, you're the one who wanted to go to class."

Izuku: "Oh right! I'll see you after class then! Bye Kacchan!"

I walked out the door and closed it. I head my way to class and that's when I see Kaminari. I could feel myself blush a bit. Huh? Why would I blush around Kami? I guess I'm still embarrassed about our awkward situation yesterday.

Izuku: "Hey Kami!"

Kaminari: "Izu!? Hi...."

Izuku: "I'm sorry about Kacchan this morning but to be honest, you deserve it."

Kaminari: "I guess. Anyway......I......I came to see if you were going to our next class."

Izuku: "That's where I'm going now."

Kaminari: "Alright...."

We both started walking to class and it was very quiet. I mean, what are we suppose to talk about now? Oh!

Izuku: "So.....any plans after class?"

Kaminari: "Huh? Oh! I guess......Mina said she wanted to eat out."

Izuku: "Oooooo!"

Kaminari: "What's with that reaction?"

Izuku: "Sounds like a date to me~."

Kaminari: "With Mina? No way! We're going with Kirishima."

Izuku: "Bummer."

Kaminari: "Hey you should tag along with us."

Izuku: "Oh....sorry Kami. I have a date with Kacchan after class."

I could see him smile and blush just mentioning Bakugou. I mean, he is his boyfriend. Why do I have to remind myself that now? As we entered the classroom Izuku sat next to me. When class finally ended Mina said they'll meet with me here. So I stayed with Izuku.

Kaminari: "I'm guessing you're waiting for Bakugou?"

Izuku: "Yup!"

He seems so happy and cheery thinking about Bakugou. I wonder if...

Izuku: "Hey.......I think I see Kac—Kami!?"

There's Deku. As I walk closer to him I see damn pikachu. That's when I notice....

Bakugou: "Damn pikachu!"

He was kissing my Deku. I ran over to them and pulled Deku into my arms.


Kaminari: "I....I...."

Izuku: "Kami.....why would....."

Bakugou: "First you flirt with him. Now you're fucking kissing him! HES MY BOYFRIEND! NOT YOURS!"

I could see that both of them are shocked. I turn to face Deku and he's just wide eyed and blushing. Touching his lips, it pissed me off.

Bakugou: "Now. Pay attention!"

I grabbed Deku and kissed him very passionately. I could feel him cling to me. As we separate for air I look down at Kaminari.

Bakugou: "Don't fucking forget it."

I grabbed Izuku's hand and walked off.

I can't believe that......that I did that....

Mina: "Kaminari! What were you thinking!?"

Kirishima: "I can't believe you made moves on Izuku like that...."

Kaminari: "Me neither...."

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