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The end of high school....

I can't believe it's here. With its arrival....

Comes my mission to an end.

I promised to stop following him around after high school has ended.

I begin walking down the hill.


To think...

that he never once saw that I—

Bakugou: "Oi! Deku!"

I stop in my tracks and turn around.

Bakugou: "Man, you hardly changed."

Izuku: "What do you want Kacchan? I want to go home."

Bakugou: "I—well...."

He.....hardly stutters...

Bakugou: "Just....LISTEN UP NERD! IM SAYING THIS ONCE! I.....I.....I like you.....Izuku...."

I stared at him, in shock.

Bakugou: "DONT JUST STARE AT ME! Do....do you want to go out....or....something?"

I could feel my eyes tear up and I ran up to him. I wrapped my arms around him.


Bakugou: "Calm down nerd! Otherwise people will stare..."

Izuku: "Heh he....sorry Kacchan."

Mina: "It. Was. Sooooo CUTE! Denki! You should've seen it!"

Kaminari: "I guess so since you keep saying that."

Mina: "Looks like you'll never have him now."

Kaminari: "Haaaah?"

Mina: "Dont you remember telling me you thought Izu was cute?"

Kaminari: "I mean he is, doesn't mean I had a crush. I mean, I say that about Kirishima and we're close friends."

Mina: "True, true. I'm just trying to mess with you though!"

Sero: "Calm down Mina! Bakugou said he's on his way with Midoriya now."

Kirishima: "To think Bakubro finally confessed. After we told him how Izuku acted around him. Aha ha ha ha!"

Sero: "It was so obvious that Midoriya liked him."

Bakugou: "HAH!? What are you extras talking about!?"

Sero: "Gah! Bakugou......congratulations?"

Bakugou: "Yeah, yeah!"

Izuku: "Hi guys..."

Mina: "Congrats Izu! I'm so happy for you guys! When's the wedding?"

I blushed and looked down.

Bakugou: "What wedding!? No one said nothing bout a wedding!"

Kirishima: "Sounds to me like it's already planned."

Bakugou: "SHUT UP!"

Sero: "Just make sure to invite us."

Bakugou: "Whatever..."

I blushed more hearing him not deny it. Did he already plan to marry me? I could feel my face turn red.

Mina: "Awwww, you made your boyfriend blush Bakugou."

I looked over at Kacchan and he blushed once we made eye contact.

Bakugou: "Wh-Whatever!"

I simply smiled.


A few months later...

Izuku: "Katsuki!"

I saw Kacchan with the rest of our friends. Uraraka, Iida and Todoroki went to a different college. Tsuyu came here but she's in a different department. I mean Kirishima and Kacchan are too but they're fairly close.

Kaminari: "Izu!"

Izuku: "Hey Kami."

Not to mention that me and Kaminari are really close.

Bakugou: "Hmph."

Which makes Kacchan jealous and cute. I could feel him wrap an arm around me. I simply smiled and blushed.

Kaminari: "Bakugou you already know I have a girlfriend."

Bakugou: "Tch. Whatever."

Izuku: "Oh I know! We should have a double date!"

Kaminari: "Hey.....that's a great idea! Izu I'll ask her and then we can plan something."

Izuku: "Yeah!"

Kaminari ⚡️
Hey Izu
We won't be able to have that double date

Izu 💚
Why's that?

Me and my gf broke up

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