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3rd person
Izuku: "Kami! You're the bestest friend I coould ever have. *hic*"

Mina: "Izu~ I think you're dru~nk"

Iida: "You are all lucky that I have a car and don't drink."

Uraraka: "You heat that~! My boyfriend is gonna drive us all home! Let's drink!"

Kaminari: "Izu! Accept my love!"

Izu: "No way! You're like, my best friend. If I were gonna date someone, it be Shoto!"

Todoroki: "That is very flattering Izuku but you know I'm straight and I'm dating Momo."

Izu: "I know~. I said if!"

Tsuyu: "Why did we end up drinking? I remember we were going to an amusement park..."

Kaminari: "Izu....calm down...."

Izuku: "I'm not calming down! Who does he think he is!? Who does he think I am..."

Kaminari: "Uh...."

Izuku: "I hate feeling like this! Kami!"

Kaminari: "Yes?"

Izuku: "Were going drinking!"

Kaminari: "I told everyone we were going to an amusement park tho....and don't you think it's still early to drink?"

Izuku: "I don't care! I will drown my feelings in alcohol today and regret it tomorrow!"

As all of them drank, except for Iida since he was the driver. They were having a great time. Izuku completely forgot about the situation in the morning and was feeling quite bold.

Izuku: "Lets go to Shoto's apartment! Momo isn't staying with you this weekend right?"

Todoroki: "*sigh* No....I guess you guys can come over."

Izuku: "To Shoto's place!"

As the party of drunken people head over Bakugou say patiently outside of Izuku's dorm house.

Kirishima: "Bakubro....I thought you'd be here..."

Bakugou: "What do you want shitty hair?"

Kirishima: "I was just worried about you man..."

Bakugou: "I remember telling you to stay away."

Kirishima: "I mean Sero is looking for you too, I just happened to find you is all."

Bakugou: "*sigh* What do I do now..."

Kirishima: "Huh?"

Bakugou: "Deku doesn't want to come back to me and damn pikachu is being his knight in shining armor. Can I even recover at this point?"

Kirishima looked down. Knowing that he was a bit to blame. He doesn't get drunk and understood that his friend was in the time. He didn't like the idea he had but, he needed to help his friend. Even if his friend was the guy he liked.

Kirishima: "I.....could talk to him..."

Bakugou: "What?"

Kirishima: "He might not listen but....I am partially to blame. I knew better and yet....I betrayed him.....and you."

Bakugou: "If you did manage to talk to him, I'd forgive you."

Kirishima: "Really!?"

Bakugou: "That doesn't make us friends again though. Okay?"

Kirishima: "So that's the catch.... I'll do for you bro!"

Bakugou simply looked up at him. No emotions really on his face. Kirishima could only smile. Knowing that he'll at least be forgiven.

Ugh.... my head hurts. I sit up and notice that I'm in a closet. With Kaminari, with his arms around me. I could feel my cheeks heat up a bit. That's new....

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