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Doctor: "Well your boyfriend here sure took a beating. A black eye, broken nose, not mention all the bruises he has."

Izuku: "He'll be fine right!?"

Doctor: "He might have a severe concussion when he wakes up. But we'll keep an eye on him so he should recover quickly."

Izuku: "Thank goodness..."

Doctor: "You must really care about him."

Izuku: "I do..."

As the doctor leaves, I can see Bakugou walk up to me.

Izuku: "What do you want?"

Bakugou: "Can we please talk outside."

Izuku: "Sure. I have a few things to say myself."

As we stepped out and away from people. We found ourselves in an isolated part of the courtyard.

Izuku: "So? Should I start, or you?"

Bakugou: "Izuku, look. I didn't mean to beat him up so badly but....he took you away from me."

Izuku: "Heh...is that what you think?"

Bakugou: "Of course I do! The flirting and even the kiss! How is that not interfering with someone's relationship!?"

Izuku: "Listen Kacchan.....I....loved you....so much..."

I could feel my tears begin to fall.

Izuku: "Sure....thats when the feelings could've started but....the reason I'm no longer with you. The reason why I don't love you anymore is because you cheated on me. And it wasn't even that one time I caught you! You had been cheating on me for awhile before we broke up."

Bakugou: "Izuku....I still love you. I can't....seem to let you go..."

Izuku: "Well....you made your decisions. This is mine."

I then slapped Bakugku on his cheek.

Izuku: "Don't you dare hurt me, or Denki. Again."

I could see the shock in Bakugou's face. I could see him get ready to yell but instead. He states down at me. I need to hold my ground. That's when I could feel him hug me.

Izuku: "Let go you jerk!"

Bakugou: "I just....wanted at least.....one more hug from you."

Izuku: "You don't deserve a hug Katsuki. Just like you didn't deserve my love."

I pushed him off of me and walked away. Tears....still falling down my face.

I open my eyes and see that I'm in a hospital room. My head hurts...

Izuku: "Denki...?"

I shift my head slowly and see that Izu is next to me.

Denki: "Izu...?"

I could see him tear up and grab hold of my hand.


Denki: "No need to apologize Izu....after all, what kind of boyfriend wouldn't protect the one he loves."

Izuku: "Denki...."

I could see him blush and look down. I simply offered him a smile.

Izuku: "I....I like you Denki....and hopefully, fall in love with you."

Denki: "Heh, what do you mean hopefully? I know I'll make you fall in love with me. Since I fell in love with you."

As I could see his blush deepen I could see him lean in. I reach my hand out and hold onto his face. I could feel us getting closer, inches away...


Izuku: "GAH!"


Mina: "Well what are you two doing in the hospital~?"

Izuku: "M-M-Mi-Mina! I-I-I-I! I—"

Denki: "We weren't doing anything. Izu just tripped since you scared him."

Mina: "Awww. Did I interrupt something? You seem quite mad Kami."

Denki: "Hmph."

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