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Kirishima: "Yeah.....he only loves you Midoriya."

Kacchan loves me more, than Kirishima....

I know I'm going to regret this but.....he deserves to know.

Kaminari: "That night when I showed up at your place with ice cream.......Bakugou.....did try to come see you...."

Izuku: "Kacchan.....came looking for me...."

I could see his eyes getting all glassy. I patted his back and simply nodded. I could see him look back at Kirishima. He looked down to the floor. Then, ran as fast as he could. Disappearing from sight....

Kaminari: "Well....I can guess where he's going..."

Kirishima: "Yeah...."

Kaminari: "Wanna....go grab a drink. I think we both just got our heart broken."

Kirishima: "*sniff* Sure thing bro!"

I can't believe it! He wanted to come see me! He loves me more than Kirishima. He....Kacchan only wants me. As I make it to Kacchan's dorm room I knock on it. Finally catching my breathe.

Bakugou: "I already told you to leave me alone shit—Izuku...."

Just seeing him in front of me. I could feel my tears forming.

Izuku: "I....I...."

I could see Kacchan smile and hug me gently.

Bakugou: "I love you too....I'm sorry for being a dumbass. I'll never do it again."

I could just hear myself cry and hold onto Kacchan.

Izuku: "I love you! I LOVE YOU KACCHAN!"

Bakugou: "This is the only time I'm letting your snot get on me, okay?"

Izuku: "*sniff sniff* Yeah...okay..."

I could feel my smile come back. I could feel him hug me closer but.....it....didn't feel the same anymore....what's wrong with me?

"Weren't you here yesterday?"

Kaminari: "And I'm back because I'm a depressed customer. Now! Pour us our drinks, please."

Kirishima: "You we're here yesterday?"

Kaminari: "Yeah....Izu was really sad and angry with Bakugou yesterday. So he decided to go out drinking."

Kirishima: "Oh..."

Kaminari: "I'm happy for him....I guess..."

Kirishima: "Yeah....I....I just wish I could make bakubro happy like Midoriya does..."

Kaminari: "I wish I could just have Izu..."

"You could just sabotage their relationship."

We both turn over to the barista.

"Look, you both want one of them. Why not sabotage their relationship?"

Kirishima: "I mean, what I basically did was sabotage..."

"Why not just make one of them fall for you?"

Kaminari: "Bakubro is definitely not going to let Kiri bear him. So that would just leave me trying to win Izu's heart but.... 'we're just friends'."

"Then you guys should just move on then."

Kaminari: "You day that but...."

Kirishima: "Easier said than done..."

As we keep drinking it then hits me...

Kaminari: "THE HICKEY!"

I could feel Kacchan pin me to the wall. I don't mind how rough he's being, I kind of missed it...

Bakugou: "Izuku..."

Izuku: "Kaccha~n..."

I could feel him take my jacket and shirt off, then feel him freeze.

Izuku: "Kacchan?"

Bakugou: "Who...."

I then remembered what me and Kaminari did last night!

Izuku: "I can explain! It's not what it looks like I—"

Bakugou: "I'm guessing damn pikachu did this..."

Izuku: "Yes but I—"

Bakugou: "I'll finish in my room. You can stay or leave..."

Izuku: "LISTEN TO ME!"

Can we be More than Friends? _- Complete -_Where stories live. Discover now