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Kaminari: "Maybe he's planning how to..."

If I tell him he was outside I'm sure he'll chase right after him. It wouldn't be good for him. It might also make Bakugou think he can do anything because Izu will just run right behind him.

Izuku: "I guess...."

Kaminari: "You know what! We need to take your mind off of this. Tomorrow, be ready by 10am. I'll come by to get you and we'll spend time together."

Is.....is he asking me out on a date!? I stare at him and he just smiled.

Kaminari; "Don't worry it's not a date. I'm thinking of inviting more of our friends. Don't give me that look."

He then ruffles my hair up and stands up.

Kaminari: "Remember, 10am tomorrow."

With that said he walked out.



I mean, what am I suppose to do after a break up? Kacchan was the only boyfriend I've ever had. And the one I thought would be the only one....

As I made it to my dorm, I stopped.

Bakugou: "What do you want shittyhair?"

Kirishima: "I.....I'm just worried about you bro."

Bakugou: "This isn't the first time, is it?"

Kirishima: "What..."

Bakugou: "This isn't the first time, is it?"

Kirishima: "Yeah..."

Bakugou: "Why......why did you let me do it!? I know you don't get as drunk as me! SO TELL ME WHY!"

Kirishima: "BECAUSE I LIKE YOU!"

I stared at him. Shocked. Kirishima has always been my best friend since high school. He even told me to go after Deku. So....

Bakugou: "Why didn't you just tell me? YOU FUCKED EVERYTHING UP!"

Kirishima: "I was going to tell you the day we graduated but...."

Sero: "Man....I feel bad for Midoriya."

Mina: "Such a shame..."

Bakugou: "Why are you guys talking about damn Deku. We'll see him in college."

Kirishima: "Did something happen?"

Mina: "Well....Uraraka told us something...."

Sero: "Honestly everyone in our class knows by now."

Bakugou: "Just spit it out."

Mina: "Izu has been waiting for you to confess to him. He said if you didn't confess by the time we graduated he'd give up on you. And....here we are."

Bakugou: "Deku.....likes me?"

Kirishima: "Go get him....Bakubro."

Kirishima: "I knew you already liked him. How was I suppose to confess knowing that you liked him......and that he liked you."

Bakugou: "Well then you leave me alone! There's no reason for you to let me do stupid shit to you if I'm drunk!"

Kirishima: "You told me you preferred me instead of Izuku! So I thought...."

Bakugou: "I WAS DRUNK! I SAY STUPID SHIT WHEN IM DRUNK! Just.....stay away from me and Deku. I don't need a friend like you."

With that said I walked in to the dorms. As I went into my dorm I sat on my bed. I could feel sorry for myself but.....

Bakugou: "Just you wait Deku! IM COMING TO APOLOGIZE THE BEST WAY I CAN!"

I know Kami said 10.....but being outside 30 minutes before is fine. As I stand around I start looking through my phone. When...

Bakugou: "Izuku..."

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