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Bakugou: "Izuku..."

Izuku: "Ka....Bakugou."

I look away from him, not being able to look at him without tearing up.

Bakugou: "I brought you some flowers..."

I take a glance at him and see an extravagant bouquet.

Izuku: "Ka...."

Bakugou: "Izuku, I know I did something terrible. I wouldn't expect you not to forgive me all at once but.....I can't live without you."

At that point I had to let my emotions out.

Izuku: "Do you know....DO YOU KNOW HOW I FELT!? I knew you liked Kirishima more than me you know..... the few times that you'd actually drink with me. 'Kirishima has hard rock abs'. 'Kirishima can be sexy'. Kirishima this, Kirishima that! IF YOU LIKE KIRISHIMA SO MUCH WHY—"

I could feel him cut me off with a kiss.

Bakugou: "Sure.....it's wrong for me to talk down on you like that, or eyeing up other guys. The reason I stayed with you is because......I loved you. The heart matters more than body."

I could feel the tears being to fall again.



I began walking away, I should text Kami to meet me somewhere else. I can't stay any longer with Bakugou....

Bakugou: "IZUKU!"

I sighed and turned back. To see him on his knee, with a ring.

Izuku: "Are you serious....? You think you can win me back by proposing!? RIGHT NOW!? HERE!? Why not where we got together? Our first kiss? Our first date!? How about the place we had sex for the first time!? Cause you know we didn't do it in bed!"


Izuku: "Oh yeah. Why not? You seem to have your dick covered by Kirishima. What do I offer?"

Bakugou: "Your smile. Your bed head in the morning. All of these sweet acts you do when we're together. Your determination and love. You offer me so much."

Izuku: "If I offered so much then you should've thought with your head. You know, the one on your shoulders instead of the one in your pants."

I start making my way again when I feel Bakugou grab me by my shoulder and turn me around. He hugged me and I couldn't move.

Izuku: "Let me go!"

I tried squirming out of his grasp but he wouldn't let go.

Izuku: "Baku—"

I could feel his lips on mine. It felt so nice to kiss him....but much more painful now. Was it only Kirishima? How long was he kissing Kirishima? Would he hold him like he did with me? Was I....not special enough?

I then felt someone grab my arm and land in some else's chest. I looked up and it was...

Izuku: "Kami...?"

Kaminari: "You don't get to touch him!"

Bakugou: "You piece of shit. Izuku is mine. I won't give up on him! I love him too much!"

Kaminari: "Well you hurt him as much!"

He soon grabbed my hand and began waking away. Leaving Bakugou in shock. It could be that Bakugou did just kiss me and held me in his arms but.....I can feel my heart racing, and it's not calming down...

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