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Kaminari: "Wait—BOYFRIEND!? You don't need to call yourself my boyfriend! I mean we haven't even gone on a date....WAIT! I haven't even asked you out! UGHHHH!"

I simply began to laugh at him.

Izuku: "Hey Kami....we are alone..."

Kaminari: "Uh! Well...."

I could see him blush and scratch his head.

Kaminari: "Would...you like to be my boyfriend...Izuku?"

I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned in for a kiss. Which then sent us both tumbling down because Denki wasn't ready for me to do that. We bursted out laughing.

Izuku: "I wanted to make it into a movie scene."

I stick my tongue out but then smiled.

Kaminari: "I'll take it as a yes then...."

I could see him blush and have a big smile. I could feel myself blush too. Did I always have such feelings for my friend? Before I realized it, Denki was kissing me again. Somehow kissing Kami felt....better. I could feel my whole body heat up just from kissing him. The only other time I felt like this was when...

I could feel Izuku push me so I backed up a bit. I could tell he was upset.

Kaminari: "It's okay. I know you had a deep bond with him."

I could see him tear up but he soon came back and wrapped himself in my arms. This felt nice.

Kaminari: "I'll try my best to make you happy and love me back unconditionally."

I can feel his heart beat elevate. Which just made me hug him tighter.

Shit! We ended up falling asleep at my place and now we're both late! As me and Izu run down the quad to our class. We bump into Bakugou again...

Bakugou: "So I bump into you guys again?"

Kaminari: "Look, we're late for class so we don't have time for this."

As I take Izu's hand and begin to walk off Bakugou grabs his other hand.

Izuku: "You're hurting me Bakugou..."

Bakugou: "I don't care....I just....need you back Izuku..."

I could clearly see him struggle but he soon pulled his hand back.

Izuku: "I-I'm dating Denki now so....I'm not available."

I could see Bakugou get angry. He soon enough stormed over to me. I pushed Izu out of the way and was met with a punch.

Kaminari: "Man you never hold back..."

Bakugou: "Damn pikachu....I should've told Izu to stop hanging around you after you called him cute!"

Kaminari: "But you didn't!"

Bakugou: "FUCK YOU!"

I could see Bakugo get on top of Kami and start punching him over and over again!

Izuku: "Stop it Bakugou!"

I tried to grab his fists but he pushed me off.

Izuku: "Please stop! LEAVE HIM ALONE!"

Bakugou: "How can I...."

He stopped and looked up at me.

Bakugou: "He took the thing I most treasured..."

I wanted to cry. I love Denki but....my heart still had feelings for Bakugou. I wanted to yell at myself.

Kaminari: "Dont....worry....Izu..."

Even though he got a good beating, Kami looked up at me.

Kaminari: "You loved him just as much....but I know....you love me..."

He passed out after smiling.

Izuku: "Kami!? DENKI?!? WAKE UP! PLEASE!"

Can we be More than Friends? _- Complete -_Where stories live. Discover now