_- 14 -_

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3rd person
Izuku: "LISTEN TO ME!"

Izuku could see the anger in Bakugous eyes.

Bakugou: "Really? You want me to hear how you hooked up with pikachu once I was gone!?"

Izuku: "I was stupid drunk and thought Kami was you! I missed you! As soon as I uttered your name he stopped."

Bakugou: "So basically what I did but with you and Kami."

Izuku: "YOU cheated on me!"

Bakugou: "You hooked up with someone else AFTER our breakup! Seems like your happy with him anyway. I mean, he became your knight in shining armor huh?"

Izuku: "Don't disrespect Kami like that! He's my friend!"

Bakugou: "A friend who LIKES you! I DONT WANT TO LOOSE YOU!"

They both glared at each other. Soon a knock was heard at the door. Bakugou walked over and opened it.

Kaminari: "Hey....Bakugou.... Just...wanted...to..."

Kami looked up and noticed how messy Izuku and Bakugou were.

Kaminari: "Actually, you seem busy. I'll come back some other time."

Bakugou: "Oi! Just tell me. It wouldn't happen to be about, this! Right?"

Kaminari stared at the hickey he left on Izuku's neck.

Kaminari: "Look, it was all me. Izu was drunk, he thought it was you since we were in a dark closet—"

Bakugou: "What were you two doing in a dark closet?"

Kirishima: "I finally....caught up with you...."

As Kirishima tried to catch his breathe. Bakugou thought he had heard enough. He grabbed Kirishima by his collar and held him close.

Izuku: "Kacchan..."

Bakugou: "We were like this, weren't we Midoriya?"

Bakugou held Kirishima in the same position as they were in earlier.

Izuku: "Katsuki?"

Bakugou simply looked over at Izuku and proceeded to make out with Kirishima. Izuku stood there in horror. He could feel the tears build up in his eyes.

Izuku: "He only loves me....YEAH RIGHT?! You.....YOURE SO STUPID KACCHAN! I HATE YOU!"

Izuku ran off not being able to continue watching. Kirishima soon kicked Bakugou. Wiping his mouth as he stared at him.

Kirishima: "I thought you loved him.....I helped you get back with him! Even though I liked you!"



Kirishima soon stormed off. Leaving Bakugou with Kaminari.

Bakugou: "I'm surprised you didn't chase after him."

Kaminari: "Why though? He wanted to get back together."

Bakugou: "I don't want sloppy seconds, even if it was for bit. Tell me, did you enjoy it? He can be really cute huh?"

Kaminari recalled the quiet moans Izu let out yesterday. Feeling himself getting flustered thinking about it.

Bakugiu: "So you did end up going all the way..... fine. It's fine. I SAID ITS FUCKING FINE DAMN IT!"

Bakugou got frustrated, just thinking of damn pikachu touching, seeing, hearing his precious Deku. It just set him off. Kaminari closed the door and left. Leaving Bakugo to rage on his own.

Damn it.

Izuku: "We'll be together forever right?"

Damn it!



Izuku: "Stop staring at me so much.....it was my first kiss..."


Izuku: "Ka~cchan! It feels amazing~"


I love him! But I can't stand the thought of pikachu knowing everything about Deku. His blushing face, the things he gets embarrassed about, his cute faces and sweet moans. They're all mine! Then again, I basically handed him over to pikachu now. I'll never get to see him again...

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