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I ran over to Kaminari's dorm and began knocking on the door.

Izuku: "Kami? It's Izu!"

That's when he opened the door. The room was messier than usual and he looked like a mess as well.

Kaminari: "*sniff* You didn't have to come all the way over here Izu..."

Izuku: "I know."

I walked in and took a seat on his bed.

Izuku: "You are one of my good friends so, why wouldn't I come to help you?"

Kaminari: "Izu! This is why I love being your friend!"

I simply giggled when he hugged me. I patted his hair for awhile while he kept crying.

Izuku: "Well....I'm sure you'll find someone even cuter."

Kaminari: "That's What you usually say..."

Izuku: "Have I been wrong?"

Kaminari: "Not yet..."

Izuku: "What do you mean not yet! I guess I'll take the ice cream back then!"

Kaminari: "No! You're right! I'll find someone cuter!"

Izuku: "That's what I thought."

We both began to laugh. I got up and grabbed the ice cream.

Kaminari: "You know....I've been meaning to date a guy for a while now..."

Izuku: "So you finally confess to being bi..."

Kaminari: "No way! I just want to......experiment."

Izuku: "Yeah, sure."

Kaminari: "To be honest I thought you were straight until everyone pointed out that you liked Bakugou."

Izuku: "Was I really being that obvious?"

Kaminari: "Yeah...."

Izuku: "Honestly I was going to give up on him the day he confessed to me."

Kaminari: "Well this is news. I'm like....your beat friend now! Why haven't you told me this before?"

Izuku: "Didn't matter. Anyway. I was going to give up on him. I mean I have been having a crush on him for 6 years and he still didn't seem interested."

Kaminari: "Ha! That's what you thought!"

Izuku: "Yeah....to think once we got into high school he started liking me."

Kaminari: "He'd always stare at you. I have to be honest I thought you were pretty cute for a guy."


I could feel my face heat up at his words. As I suddenly went quiet he looked over at me.

Kaminari: "I-I mean! I'm not trying to flatter you! I mean you're not that cute! I MEAN!"

I simply stood up and walked to the door.

Izuku: "I'm just going to go......we're friends and....I have a boyfriend....I don't want things to be awkward and all...."

Kaminari: "Y-Yeah! See you at class then...."

Izuku: "Yeah.....see you."

What the hell did I say!? I mean, he's right! You don't just tell your friend is cute out of the blue! How do I fix this...? Mina! I grab my phone and call Mina.




Mina: "Hel—"


Mina: "What did you do this time?"

Kaminari: "Well....I just broke up with my gf—"

Mina: "I'm sorry to hear that Kami—"

Kaminari: "Yeah whatever! Anyway! Izu came over like he usually does and I told him that I thought he was cute and—"

Mina: "O! M! G! I'm telling Bakugou!"

Kaminari: "MINA WAI—"

She.....hanged up.

Oh no....

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