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How did me and Kami end up in the closet anyway? I guess.....I could wake him up and ask him.

Izuku: "Kami? Kami are you up?"

Kaminari: "Ugh.....my head hurts man.....Izu?"

Izuku: "Yeah.....I was wondering if you knew why we were in—"

Kaminari: "It's not my fault! It was Mina! I was drunk, you were drunk, everyone was drunk! Pleaseeeeeee forgive me...."

Izuku: "I....don't understand. What happened?"

Kaminari: "Uh....well...."

That Night....

Izuku: "Wow.....Shoto, I can never get over how big your place is!"

Mina: "Oh! Oh! I have an idea! If I remember right, you have a walk in closet. Right? Todoroki~."

Todoroki: "Yeah, so?"

Mina: "Seven minutes in heaven~!"

Todoroki: "I'm not doing it."

Mina: "Thats fair. Who's first?"

Uraraka: "Me and Iida!"

Kaminari: "The couple, of course, wants to go in first."

Mina: "Into the closet you go~"

Mina: "I say it's....Denki and Izu's turn."

Kaminari: "I mean sure! If Izu wants to that is...."

Izuku: "Everyone is having fun. So yeah, let's do it!"

Izuku: "So we played seven minutes in heaven and got stuck?"

Kaminari: "Yeah, basically."

Izuku: "I didn't do anything, did I?"

Kaminari: "No.....nothing at all."

How could I tell him that we basically made out in the closet while drunk. Not to mention...

Izuku: "I love you.....Kacchan."

I guess feelings don't fade so fast, huh? I have to admit though. It was awesome being able to kiss him! To let my hands roam on him. Just.....the part where he mentioned Bakugou made me stop. Should I tell him Bakugou was looking for him that night I came?

Iida: "Midoriya? Kaminari? Are you awake in there? Todoroki has made breakfast for you all."

Izuku: "Yeah were up. Could you open the door."

Iida: "No problem."

Wait a minute....

Iida: "Midoriya? What is on your neck?"

Izuku: "My neck?"

He grabbed his neck and soon enough turned to me.

Kaminari: "I can explain!"

Kaminari: "I said I was sorry...."

Izuku: "That doesn't make it go away! Kami I know you like me and all but I already told you...."

Kaminari: "I know.....we're just friends...."

Hearing him say it like that makes me feel a bit sad....

Maybe I was a bit harsh by hitting him.

Kirishima: "Midoriya?"

Izuku: "Kirishima? What do you want?"

Kirishima: "I....I wanted to apologize for my actions. Bakubro......he was drunk when I wasn't and....well.....I really like him. I thought if you didn't know it would be okay."

Izuku: "You're telling me you did it more than once then...."

Kirishima: "Midoriya, listen..."

Izuku: "HOW CAN I!? My boyfriend cheated on me with a guy he always says is better than me! A guy I thought was MY friend!"

Kirishima: "You can get mad at me all you want! I deserve it! But....give Bakubro another chance. He.....he loves you.....not me..."

He....loves me still? Even after yesterday...

Izuku: "I thought you'd swoop in and take the chance to make him your boyfriend."

Kirishima: "You could say I've been trying..."

He's been rejecting Kirishima?

Kirishima: "Honestly, Bakugou doesn't want anything to do with me since you guys broke up."

Izuku: "He....only wants me?"

I could feel joy just thinking about it...

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