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Bakugou: "OI!"

I could see Bakugou glaring at me from the distance. I gently pushed Izu behind me.

Bakugou: "So you decided to let your knight in shining armor have you. That's fine. You just can't stay single for long, huh?"

Denki: "You don't know how he's feeling!"

Bakugou: "Oh yeah!? How can you know then?"

Denki: "I don't....I just know I'll be here for whatever he needs."

I look back at Izu and I can see him have a slight blush. Which made me smile.

Bakugou: "Tch! Doesn't matter anyway...."

Izuku: "If it didn't matter....you wouldn't say anything..."

I looked back at Izu and he had determination in his eyes.

Bakugou: "So you finally speak? Tell me then Deku, was it worth it hook up with him and loose me?"

I could see Izuku tear up...I wanted to yell at Bakugou but, Izu simply took my hand.

Izuku: "I thought loosing you....was the worst thing to happen to me Bakugou.....but....if you really loved me.....or at least appreciate me! YOU WOULD NEVER HAVE SLEPT WITH YOUR BEST FRIEND BEHIND MY BACK!"

I could see everyone stare at us now. Bakugou and Izuku were quite popular around campus.

Bakugou: "You don't get to say shit after hooking up with your friend after our break up!"

Izuku: "I told you that I never did! The only reason I made out with him in a closet was because....I wished it was you....I didn't want to believe what I say that day..... I wanted to believe that Kami was you....that you still kissed me so passionately. That you still wanted me. I always had to put up with you comparing me with Kirishima! Well not anymore!"

That's when Izuku pulled me down and kissed me. It caught me by surprise and I could hear the gasps from people around us.

Bakugou: "So that's it....you chose dunce face over me!?"

Izuku: "No....you chose Kirishima over me Bakugou. You're no longer an option."

I could see Izuku look down. I wanted to hug him but...

Izuku: "Let's go to your dorm Kami...it's closer..."

Izu began walking toward my dorm. Everyone still staring at us. I could see Bakugou's distraught face. He wanted to yell more but I guess he finally chose to keep his mouth shut.

Denki: "Izu..."

As soon as I closed the door to my room Izu brought me into a kiss. I was shocked again but soon held onto him. I kissed him with all my passion. As we separated I could see his tears...

Denki: "Izu!?"

Izuku: "Let's keep going..."

I could feel his hand go under my shirt.

Denki: "Not like this Izuku....you're not feeling well..."

Izuku: "You like me....don't you?"

Denki: "I do! But..."

Izuku: "Then just have sex with me! Do whatever you want with me! But please....just make me forget about Kacchan....please..."

I simply hugged him as tight as I could. Hearing his cries....and wails for Bakugou made me mad. But....he just needed time.

Denki: "I can't make you forget but....I'll make you see that my love is greater."

I leaned in and kissed him again. I could actually feel a connection for once. Sure we had kissed but nothing felt like we were connected.

Izuku: "I'll....I'll do my best to be your boyfriend...Denki..."

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