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I clenched my hand into fists. I can't just let damn pikachu go with Deku. He'll win big points that way. Then again....I doubt Deku wants to see me right now...

Kaminari: "I'll be going then."

He started making his way to the door and I punched him.

Kaminari: "What the hell!?"

Bakugou: "No one is taking Deku. Not even over my dead body."

Kaminari: "Why you...."

Okay....I got ice cream, chocolate, popcorn, I'm sure Izu still has Kaminari's account for Betflix. As I approach Izu's building I can see Kaminari....fighting Bakugou!

Mina: "Kaminari!?"

Kirishima: "Bakubro!"

3rd person
Everyone stood there. Silent. The assumed ex boyfriend with the person he used to cheat with. With the ex best friend who needs to be accompanied with another friend at all times.

Mina: "Guys...."

Everyone turned to face Mina.

Mina: "You need to think about Izu here..."

Everyone felt guilty. They wanted to help the cute greenette.

Kaminari: "Mina....I just wont go in then."

Mina: "Denki...."

Kaminari didn't want to take advantage of Deku's feelings. Even if that wasn't his intention at all.

Kirishima: "Bakubro....we should go too."

Bakugou: ".....fine."

Bakugou walked off looking at the floor. Kirishima slowly followed behind him.

Kaminari: "I'll be leaving then Mina..."

Mina: "Denki.....you're one of his good friends. Even if you have feelings for him. I'm sure he wants you there to comfort him."

Mina then hands the bag over to him.

Kaminari: "I can't go in by myself."

Mina: "Even if you take advantage of the situation. I feel like Deku needs someone right now. And it should be you Denki."

Kaminari: "No no no. I....I can't..."

Mina stared at Kaminari.

Mina: "He needs you Denki. I can go in and maybe make him smile for a bit but....I feel like he needs you there. As his best friend, and a potential boyfriend."

Kaminari thought about it. He really didn't want to go in there and take advantage of the situation. It could end up destroying his relationship with Izuku. But......Izuku really did need him, as his best friend.

Kaminari: "Alright."

I could hear footsteps. It's probably him....I want to forgive but...

The door opens.

I start throwing everything at him.


Kaminari: "Calm down! Izu! It's me! Kami!"

I stopped and I saw him with a bag and a few bruises.

Izuku: "I'm sorry..."

Kaminari: "It's alright. Mina got you ice cream. So let's enjoy it and pass out!"

Izuku: "Ok....I guess..."

So he didn't come after all....

Why does it upset me that he didn't come?

I could then feel Kami side hug me. Wrapping me in a blanket.

Kaminari: "I hope you don't kind this. Just know, that it will all be okay."

Kami is the bestest friend I could ask for.

Izuku: "I....I just can't believe that he didn't come. Was I not worth coming back for? To fight for?"

Should I tell him Bakugou was outside....

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