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A few months passed. As we kept attending classes things started to calm down. I also began being more open about my relationship with Denki.

Bakugou kept to himself for quite some time. No body even knew where he went. Apparently he's just going to keep a low profile seeing that he hurt one of his best friends and me. But I hear a rumor that he has himself an admirer.

Kirishima on the other hand hooked up with Mina in a mixer and are going steady.

I'm shocked that after that big fight everybody didn't get us into more drama. Then again we are in college and not high school.

Kaminari: "Hey Izu. You're zoning out again."

I blinked my eyes and just smiled at him. I honestly can't handle my heart at times any more. It's hard to breathe around him now.

Kaminari: "Hey Izu?"

Izuku: "Y-Yeah....?"

I could see him lean in and I just closed my eyes. I could feel his lips on mine and it felt wonderful. The butterflies in my stomach, the fireworks going off, I don't know how to describe it but...

Izuku: "I love you Denki..."

I opened my eyes in shock hearing what I just said. Denki just smiled and hugged me.

Denki: "I knew you would. I love you too, Izuku."

I simply looked down and blushed even harder. Kami lifted my head up and kissed me again. He felt so much more passionate about this one. I could then feel him stop. He always does that when things get heated...

Denki: "Sorry....hey? What's with the face?"

I looked up at him, begging him to continue. He simply blushed and just gave me a peck.

Denki: "No need to be disappointed. I just want to cherish you Izu..."

I shifted next to him which earned me a confused look. I could feel myself blush but, if I really wanted this, I'll need to take the lead.

I got onto Denki's lap which got him to blush.

Denki: "I-I-Izu!? Hold on a—"

I cut him off with a kiss and wrap my arms around his neck. I could feel him try to push me off but, eventually he just gave in. I could feel him wrap his hands on my waist. I grabbed his face and deepened our kiss. I really wanted to feel him. I want him to feel me.

Izuku: "Denki....I love you..."

Before I knew it he picked me up. He later is on the bed and I could feel my embarrassment return.

Denki: "Just remember, you're the one that provoked me."

I could see him take his shirt off. It was finally happening...

I reached for my drawer to grab some lube while Kami took my bottoms off.

Denki: "Prepared I see. We're you planning on provoking me today."

He's changed. He's usually so sweet and gentle but, right now, I could just see the hunger and desire in his eyes. It shivers down my spine.

He grabbed the lube from my hand and poured it all over my butt. Next thing I knew, he had two fingers in me.

Izuku: "Aahh~"

Denki: "So you still play with down here huh? It turns me on thinking about it. Let me guess, you would think about me right? How I'd take you."

Izuku: "Mmm~ yeah. I want you to take me now Denki~!"

I could feel him ram into me then.

Izuku: "AAAHH~"

3rd person
As they kept at it, they just knew that they loved each other. They didn't want anyone else. So...

Denki: "Hey uh...Izuku?"

Izuku: "Yes?"

They were at a nice restaurant for their one year anniversary. That's when Kaminari got on one knee next to Izuku.

Denki: "Will you..."

Izuku just stared in shock. Not believing what he was seeing.

Denki: "Will you marry me, Izuku?"

Izuku: "Yes. Yes yes yes! A million times, YES!"

The greenette has practically thrown himself onto to Denki. But just hugging his now fiancé, Denki was happy. All to think that he has the courage to ask to be more than friends.

_- The End -_

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