A Responsibility Misplaced - 25

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3rd Person POV

At school, the student news plays on a TV in the hall.

Jason: This past weekend, Midtown's Academic Decathlon team defeated the country's best to win the national championship. Later that day, they also defeated death.

Abe: (yells) Explosion. Sally scream. Flash scream. Everybody screamin'.

Charles: (excited) There were purple lasers and smoke everywhere, It was fucking just like a bon Jovi concert.

Mr. Harrington: As you know, we made it out alive, and that's the important thing. I couldn't bear to lose a student on a school trip. Not again.

The camera amateurishly zooms in on Mr. Harrington's face.

Jason: Thankfully, no one was seriously injured, thanks to the Spider-Man.

Jason/Betty: (awkwardly) Thank you, Spider-Man.

Jason: Up next: The Spider-Man mania is sweeping the school. How can you show your spider spirit?

Peter grins as he walks past the TV showing the student news. A few students are standing around the TV to watch the news. As Peter cheerfully enters another hall, Ned joins him.

Ned: Dude, dude, dude, dude. What is it like being famous when nobody knows it's you?

Peter: Crazy, dude.

Ned: It's crazy. Should we tell everyone?

Peter: No.

Ned: Should I tell everyone?

Payton: You know, sometimes it's good to not speak

Peter: Right! No, dude, no, that's not a good idea.

Ned: Okay, come on, we'll be late to class.

Peter: I'm not going to class.

Ned: You're already in so much trouble for ditching the Decathlon.

Peter: Dude, listen, I figured it out, right? The wing suit guy is stealing from Damage Control. And what he takes from Damage Control, that's how he builds the weapons. So all I gotta do is catch him.

Ned: But we have a Spanish quiz.

Peter: Ned, I'm probably never gonna come back here. Mr. Stark is moving the Avengers upstate, so when I bring this guy in-

Ned: Dude, you want to be a high school dropout?

Payton: Get yourself to class! Tony don't care that much about your ass. He's not bringing you nowhere(At least until the end of the movie...)

Peter: I am so far beyond high school right now. If I do help, Mr. Stark will-

Principal Morita: Parker, my office.


Payton's POV

Peter asked me to come to some dark parking lot. I low-key thought I was gonna br raped or some shit, but I showed up anyway. There was some man in the parking lot. "Aaron Davis, shown in Peter's baby monitor protocol as one of the criminals at the weapons deal." I jumped at the sound. "Jarvis, man, you gotta give a girl some warning!" I turn to see this guy with some groceries. As he closes the trunk, Peter shows up and sticks him to the car.

Peter: Remember me?

Peter speaks in a deep metallic voice. He approaches Aaron's car, and Aaron seems taken aback and so am I. What the fu-

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