Still Too Far Up My Ass - 8

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Part 2 - "Can you take it out please??"

You guys finished preparing your project for the next day and before you knew it, it was the end of the day. Last block was PE. You were changing in the locker room at the moment with MJ. All these random girls in your classes all day came up to you and wanted to randomly be friends all because you knew Tony Stark. Some of them didn't even try to hide it! Asking random questions about Tony all day! It just made you want to choke-

"Pay? Did you hear what I just said?" Damn. I really zoned out like that.

"Sorry, what'd you say?"

"We're done changing. Now, get your raggedy ass up before we're late!" You came into class, catching the eye of both Ned and Peter that were waiting for you outside. You all walked at a faster pace into the gym and stood next to Ned's crush and your new friend.

"Hey Betty! Did we miss anything?"

"No. None of the girls want to be lacrosse captains so we've been waiting for someone to step up." Your eyes widened hearing that. You had been playing lacrosse since you were a fetus. When you got here a month ago, Pepper bought you a new stick and you played with her and Steve. Tony attempted to play sometimes, but almost always ended up clutching his back on the ground after being juked around the entire game. You stepped up.

"I'll be captain! Can I pick second?" Flash was the other captain. Both him and the coach made a weird face at this request, but you were certain that picking second could get you the win.

"Okay...Ben!" I knew it! Flash would pick the buff guys to play. This would leave to you the agile kids who could actually potentially play. Lacrosse is about precision, not being physically strong. Who should I pick...Lucas? No, seems like a soccer guy...James? His hands were too big to hold the small stick...

"MJ!" She was small and agile. You had once seen her jump from column to column in a museum to avoid being caught away from the group, in an attempt to see actual statues and not painting after painting of sunflowers.

"James." "Liz." "Lucas." "Peter." "Adrian" "Betty" Cameron" "Ned" "West" Because you picked second, you got to pick your last person and Flash's too bc there'd only be one person left. The two left were named Matt and Adriana. Matt was strong but lazy and Adriana had agility without the speed. "Adriana"

You put them all into positions based on their strengths. Except for Ned. He only wanted to be goalie. You were center forward. During the mandatory 5 minute team huddle, you attempted to teach them how to play a little. When the five minutes were done, everyone had the basics down and were pumped up to beat that Flash asshole. "3, 2, 1....GOOOO!!!" The ball was thrown up and you got it, passing to Liz. She ran down the field, fast, you running in front of her as back up. You reached the circle around the goal and Liz passed. With a hard swing down, you shot into he goal. The goalie Lucas tried to grab the ball, but did not know how to use the stick to catch balls in the middle of the goal. And he's on the actual Lacrosse team...that gives me some real hope....

The game went on. All of your players reached the full extent of your hopes for them from before the game. Even Ned had saved EVERY SINGLE GOAL!!! I mean, some of them were pretty crappy. The only person left was Adriana. There were only ten minutes left in class and the score was 7-0. The guys on the other team were angry and had gotten more aggressive and fast. We were going up to 8, though, so we only needed one more to win.

You grabbed the ball from the air with you stick and looked for Adriana. Flash was getting ready to body-check you when you finally found her and threw the ball to her stick. She caught it and started jogging down the field. There were two guys behind her and they easily caught up to her slow pace. They both started running in front of her, as to make her fall out of bounds. "Come on Adriana! You got this! The whole team started cheering for her and she only changed up her pace by a little...How could we get her motivated?! .............LUCAS! You speeded down the field, dashing past everyone in your path. She really liked Lucas...If I could get near him before she did, she'd be pissed(and super jelly). As I stopped in front of the goal, something changed in her eyes. You could see that fire, motivation, and ambition on her face. She ran as fast as the speed of light down the field. Using dirty tactics, Flash pretended to trip and layed in her path. Instead of tripping her, like intended, she jumped OVER him and kept running. Almost there, she got rid of the ball, dropped her stick, and tackled you.

Everyone cheered and you wiggled out from under her. She had gotten the ball in the goal with a bounce shot. We ran into a group hug and celebrated out win, the losers walking back to the showers with their heads hung. Everyone had had fun playing Lacrosse and we all went back to the showers too. Liz stopped on the way in. All of the girl turned to look at you and she smiled at you. This made you stop too. "You're SUCH a great captain! With those leadership skills, you could totally be, like, the leader of the Avengers someday! Like your new dad! Wanna maybe hang out after school?! We could, maybe, I don't know...go hang out at your house? Wait, you live in the Avenger's Tower, right? So cool! So, is that a yes or....?"

You made a weird face and asked the question you had been wanting to ask since she started talking.

"Can you take it out please??"

"Take what out?"

"Your head. It's so far up my ass right now I can't breathe."

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