Too Far Up My Ass - 8

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Part 1 - The First Day

In Peter's room in Queens. May speaks to him from somewhere in the apartment.

May Parker: So. Who was it? Who hit you?

Peter Parker: Some guy. So itchy, man. God. He fiddles with a wrist band.

May Parker: What's "some guy's" name

Peter Parker: Uh, Steve.

May Parker: Steve? From 12-C? With the overbite?

Peter Parker: No, no, no. You don't know him, he's from Brooklyn. [Peter's wrist band emits a red beam which he hides when his aunt comes into the room.] Ouch.

May Parker: Well . . . I hope you got a few good licks in

.Peter Parker: Yeah, I got quite a few in, actually. His friend was huge. Like huge. [May gives him ice in a towel.] That's way better. Thank you.

May Parker: Okay, tough guy. She smiles broadly then leaves the room.

Peter Parker: Love you, May. Hey, can you shut the door? 

Spider-Man will return

The first thing you do when you wake up is put a song on your speakers to pump you up for your first day of school. By the time you are changed for the day, you have two missed messages.

Michelle👉👌🤯 Call me when you get to school so we can find each other?

Michelle👉👌🤯 Okay?

Pay-a-ton🖖😜😍  Got it! See you there sis

You dashed down the stairs with my purse and found burnt toast waiting for you...Yum

"Hey Pelo! Maybe I should let you cook from now on?"

"Maybe," You replied with a smile. "How are you Tony Stank?"

"Fine Peloton! Eat your crispy toast and go downstairs. Happy is waiting!!"

You give him a hug and say "Bye dad!" His eyes glisten and he hugs you back. "Are you crying Tony?"

And with that, he walks away without saying anything. You head downstairs and get in the car with Happy. That's when you realize something. If you came back from Berlin yesterday, that means Peter has already had that conversation with May. It means you have two months until Spider-Man Homecoming starts....

A/N The two months will probably be only 3-4 chapters, so you can assimilate to the school before all the craziness.

You say goodbye to Happy and get out of the car. Pulling out your phone, you call MJ.

"Good morning Payton!"

"Wow, you're happy! Why do you not sound monotone, as always?"

"Because my only friend is at my school at this moment!"

"I wonder who that is..." you say and smirk.

"Haha shut up!" You keep talking to MJ and walk into the school. It's how it looked in the movies and how you imagined it'd be like. I already loved it!  You see Michelle putting her stuff in her locker and you run to her and jump on her back, saying "THIS IS A ROBBERY!" MJ lets out a shrill scream and you fall off her back. People in the hall turn to look at the both of you because of the loudness, but keep staring.

"That was HILARIOUS, but do you know why everyone is staring at me?" you ask MJ who reluctantly pulls out her phone and shows you an article. Apparently, some reporter was outside the compound and took a picture of Tony with your adoption papers in hand. The whole world knew you as Tony's daughter now. My life's dream!  You smiled and spoke again, "Whatever, we'll ignore those wannabees," I used to be one of them, damn!  "Pull out your schedule!"

We had Chemistry, Algebra 2, Chorus(Because all of the other electives are ass), Honors English, and Honors American History together. All of my other classes were with Peter. And probably Ned. I had taken his schedule out of his bag while were were in Germany to make sure I was in them! Two of our classes were all together! You looked around, trying to find Peter. 

"Are you looking for that guy you like?" You almost forgot you told MJ you liked a guy at her school the other day. You nod and respond, "Yeah. I see him over there!" You drag MJ over to Peter's locker, where Flash is taking the comic book he was holding out of his hand. Michelle looks pale as she says "You like FLASH THOMPSON?!"

You started laughing hard; then, you stopped abruptly. "No. I like Peter." 

"Oh," she responds. You guys get over there and he's still hassling Peter.

"How cute! Penis Parker has a new comic book!" Peter tried to grab the book out of his hand and Flash pushed him against his locker, closing it with his head. You then reached forward and grabbed the mint condition MIghty Hulk from Flash's hand. 

"I can't help imagining how much more amazing the world would be if your dad had just pulled out," you said to him. Michelle started laughing and Peter stifled his. Flash turned to look at you and smiled. "Hello Payton Stark! I didn't realize people were made that beautiful." Peter's fist clenched and so did yours. Who the hell did he think he was talking to?  Since you didn't say anything, he continued. "Let's leave these losers and go find people of importance." He winks and waits for you to respond. You turn your head and look him deep in the eyes. All of the people nearby in the hallway turn to look.

"Excuse me?" You get closer to his face when you say "The only people that are of importance to ME are right here. Find someone else to be your obedient, lackey girlfriend, cuz I'm not the one." Everyone in the hallway started clapping. Flash, feeling embarrassed, walked away without a word.

"Th-thank you," Peter said and you handed him his comic book back. You smiled at him and waved at Ned. 

"Hi! I'm Payton. And you already know MJ." Ned smiled and responded, "Nice to meet you, Payton. Peter has told me a lot about you," Peter hit Ned and shyly smiled at you, "Hi MJ."

She nodded and turned towards Ned "Payton told me a lot about Peter too!" You kicked her ankle and glared. Sighing, you said "Let's go to class."

They arrived to English as the bell rang. You sat between Michelle and Peter, with Ned on the other side of him. Our teacher, Ms. James, came in the class. "Good morning class! Today, we are going to start our poetry project. Pick out a poem and with another person, you will recite them tomorrow. Leeds with Jones.....Thompson with Allen....and Pierce-Stark with Parker." You switch seats with Ned so you can work in groups. You turn excitedly to Peter, "My first day of school and I already get to spend time with you! What type of poem would you wanna recite?" 

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