Toomes is Coming - 16

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A/N: Hey guys! Spider-Man: Into the Spider Verse is my favorite movie and I've watched it like ten times! Anyway, watch the video, it's really cute and then there's a REALLY hilarious part too, so you actually have to watch, not just listen! 

Payton's POV, One Month Later  

You and Peter are on your way to school, about to get off the train. He's glued something on his phone, though.


Tony: Hey, May. How you doing? What are you wearing? Something skimpy, I hope.

[Peter turns to Tony with a frown on his face. Tony chuckles and pats Peter's shoulder, whose face now wears an uncomfortable smile.]

Tony: Peter, that's inappropriate. All right, let's start over. You can edit it.

Peter: Mm-hmm.

[Looking at Tony, Peter chuckles.]

Tony: Three, two, one. Hey, May. My gosh, uh, I wanted to tell you what an incredible job your nephew did this weekend at the Stark internship retreat. Everyone was impressed.

[Tony is putting on a solemn face. Peter offers the camera a wide-eyed, tight-lipped smile, trying to look innocent.}

Peter turned the screen to you. "Hi May, Peter was super helpful today! He helped me organize files in the lab!" You smiled up at Peter and then continued to look out the window. Suddenly, we hear a loud honk.

Happy: Come on! It's a freaking merge. (to Tony) I'm sorry.


Looking over his shoulder, you see him looking sadly at the video he made when we went to Germany. I guess they never called him. He then opened his messages and sent yet another to Happy, who always complained to you about how he felt bad for not responding on the way to school. You'd usually go with him, but you had slept at Peter's house. You guys had counted the party as your first date, but aren't official yet. You definitely wanted to, but hadn't gotten around to the conversation yet(will be explained later).

Hey Happy just checking in. I'm out of school at 2:45 PM

Ready for my next mission!

It's Peter BTW.


He scrolls through numerous unanswered messages to Happy. Poor Peter. WAIT! Oh shii, we're in Spider-man: Homecoming!!  We got off the train and walked up the steps to Midtown. That means... Almost immediately, a car almost hits you and Peter and you push him out of the way in time. 

Flash: What's up, Penis Parker? Students chuckle at that

Payton: Nothing much, Dickless Flash frowned and went to go park on the side of the school. Bye bitch!

[A school news report is playing in the hallway with Betty Brant and Jason Ionello, the news anchors.]

Betty: Rise and shine, Midtown Science and Technology.

Jason: Students, don't forget about your homecoming tickets. Do you have a date for homecoming? 

Betty: Thanks, Jason, but I already have a date. LMAOOO I CAN'T-

Jason: Okay.

Betty: Yeah.

[On TV, we see Jason rolling his eyes awkwardly.]

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