A Rewrite - 2

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You opened your eyes, the bright light in front of them making you squint. I got out of the theater! 

You got off the floor and looked around. It didn't look like the street around the theater in the Bronx. You then realized cars were passing by at lightning speed; You were in the middle of the street. A taxi was coming at you, fast. Goodbye world  You thought and closed your eyes, getting yourself ready for the collision. Vrrrrr

Opening your eyes again, an arm is around you and  you're now on the sidewalk. "Don't stand in the street! Do you have a death wish?!" You turned and there was a girl behind you. You eyes widened Zendaya saved my LIFE!!!!  "Thank you! I didn't mean to be right in the middle of the street like that," You said. 

"Are you from around here? You don't seem to be from Queens." How did she know?!  You was internally panicking when she spoke again "I'm not a stalker. I'm just very observant." Wait, that's an MJ line!  My breath became shaky as you asked "What's your name?"

"Michelle Jones"

It finally clicked. I'm not in the Bronx, I'm in Queens. And it's not just Queens...I'm iN fRiGgIn MaRvEl!!!  Michelle coughed and you realized you were being rude. "Sorry, I'm Payton Pierce. Nice to meet you!" You shook her hand and smiled. You exchanged numbers and she went home. My first friend! I'll tell mom about thi- That is when you realized you had nowhere to stay. My  homeless ass can only think of the The Avengers Compound. Even though Tony will probably not be helpful, would he understand how I got here?  It's been at least 30 minutes since the movie started, so they have to be at the compound, right? Is this even real or am I dead?!  Did I burn in the fire!??!? That was your last thought before your body was enveloped in a purple bubble and everything went pitch black.

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