Underoos & Mama's Ravioli - 6

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"Wake up, lovers! There are things we need to attend to!"

You opened your eyes to see you were still curled up with Peter. He had gotten closer and currently had his chin on your head, pushing you closer into his chest. He had drooled down the back of your shirt, but you had drooled on the front of his, so you assumed you guys were even. You pulled back to see his face and thought he looked adorable sleeping. "Stop staring you creep" You rolled your eyes, he woke Peter up, that prick!

"Huhhh? Whahhh?? Oh, hi Happy, hi Pay-WAIT PAYTON?! Sorry!" He said as he pulled back and took his arms off you, making you feel cold. "Rise and shine! Let's go fight our friends!" You exclaimed and started to walk off, when Happy grabbed the back of your shirt and yanked you back.

"I know you wanted Tony to make you a suit, but since you're annoying, his words not mine, he made you a tool belt instead. It has a tazer, knife, an electricity gun, and a mini first aid kit. He doubts you'll need any of it, though, with your 'remarkable powers'." You smiled and hugged him, happy that he was starting to be nicer to you.

"Thank you! I'll go put it on!" You went to the bathroom and changed into all black and put on the belt. In the picture above, you are wearing the clothes of the girl in the middle. You then run back to Peter, who is changed as well. If you are already changed by the time we get back to the hotel, you can see Pete wearing his old suit with the swim GOOGLES. Hahaha

Inside Berlin Brandenburg Airport, we see German signs, Happy dragging his luggage behind him, and Peter's face in quick succession in Peter's camera. You wink at the camera and keep walking. We get to go sightseeing in Berlin! We see Berlin streets, the Brandenburg Gate, a street performer, foreign girls, and a pretzel vendor! 

Peter: No one has actually told me why I'm in Berlin or what I'm doing. Something about Captain America going crazy. 

Payton: He's not crazy. He just disagrees with Tony on a few things!

 You, Peter, and Happy enter a hotel.

Happy: (pointing at a door) This is you and you.

Peter: Oh, we're neighbors?

Happy: We're not roommates. That's you and Payton. Suit up. You both blush and walk into the room. Seeing rose petals on the bed, you realize this is the honeymoon suite. Peter went to change and is talking to Happy. You take this time to read the note you see on the bedside table:

You're welcome. I imagine the looks on both of your faces when you walked into this room. That makes my day. Thank you for that. Have fun with your boyfriend!

- Tony

I'm going to get him back for that! 

Peter: This is insane. Insane. Look at this thing. Look. Look at the eyes. This is the greatest day of my life. You walk over to Peter and see his homemade suit. You start cracking up and Peter smiles, knowing it's pretty silly.

Happy: Let's go. He has to drag a hyped-up Peter out of the room. 

Happy: Come on.

Peter: Okay. 

Grabbing his hand, you close your eyes and imagine the back of the airplane, as that is the best hiding spot outside you can find. You put your hand to your mouth, signaling to Peter that he needs to NOT talk for once. 

Outside Flughafen Leipzig-Halle, Steve in his uniform strides through an underpass, then jogs onto a private runway, heading for a grounded chopper. An electro-disabler slams onto the chopper and Steve looks up. Iron Man and War Machine decend. Peter catches Iron Man, War Machine, Captain America, Black Widow, and Black Panther confronting each other on camera. 

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