The September Foundation - 4

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Finally, you meet Peter!!!

They've kept you here for a day, doing tests, helping you gain control of my powers, as they want you to train to become an Avenger! AN AVENGER!!! My dream is coming TRUE!  Robert Downey Jr has been a rude boi all day. He is way too salty; but I do love the natural saltiness that is Anthony's why he and Pepper get along so well ahaha

Anyway, Vision is forcing Tony to bring you with him to gain a new recruit. He is supposedly around your age, so you would be beneficial in recruitment...All that smart stuff Vision said... After the long drive, you realize you are now in Queens, again. You said thank you to Happy, who in turn nodded, and got out of the car. You followed Tony into an apartment building. You take the elevator to the 7th floor; Peter's floor...?  you and Tony finally stop in front or a door and he rings the bell. Shortly after this, a woman answers the door. iT's AuNt MaY!!! PETER WILL BE HERE OMGGGGGG

Your smile widens as you walk inside of Peter's home! "Thank you," you say to Aunt May, who opened the door for us. "No problem! Hello Mr. Stark, why exactly are you here? And who is this lovely young lady?" Awww! Aunt May thinks I'm lovely! I see Peter's SHIRT THAT HE WORE is on the floor of HIS HOMEEE!!!! I think I'm having an overload of emotion! I can't take it anymore! I might pass out...

Your head starts to spin and you turn to Tony, who is speaking "The lovely young lady is named Payton," He says with a small, FAKE smile. You glare at him as the world goes dark.

You wake up, sitting on the couch, to see May with a wet cloth on your forehead and Tony looking concerned. "Are you ok Payton? You passed out for a few minutes there. Do you need anything? A snack? I have a walnut date loaf?"

"Thank you, I think I'm ok..maybe a water please?" She nodded and got up to get a water. Tony gave you a thumbs up and you nodded. He continues "I am here because Peter is getting a grant for school from the foundation at my company."

"Really? Wow, I didn't even know he applied for anything. I-" May was cut off as the door opened; Peter was home. You were shrieking internally as the love of your life came through the door.

Peter Parker: Hey, May.

May Parker: Mmm. Hey. How was school today?

Peter Parker: Okay. This crazy car parked outside . . . Peter sees Tony and his eyes widen. 
Then, he turns to you. You stare into his eyes as he, in turn, stares into yours. Time seems to stop as you look into each other's eyes. The two other people in the room disappear; at this moment, all that you care about is him and all he cares about is you; You smiled, his face turned red. Your moment is cut short by Tony saying "Oh, Mr. Parker. " Dammit Tony. Tony smiles at you as Peter starts talking again. Mission accomplished, he thought. You send him a thought back I can hear your thoughts, remember? I wonder if  Peter or May would like to know what you talk about with Pepper on the phone...?  Tony's face turned white as a sheet. Now I get to say mission accomplished!

Peter Parker: Yeah? Peter speaking brought me back to earth

Tony Stark: It's pretty well funded

Peter Parker: Wow.

Tony Stark: Look who you're talking to. Can I have 5 minutes with him?

May Parker: Sure. We then got up and walked to Peter's room. PETERS ROOOM!!!!!  Tony locked the door and spit out  the walnut loaf.

Tony Stark: As walnut date loaves go, that wasn't bad. Whoa, what do we have here? Retro tech, huh? Thrift store? Salvation Army?

Peter Parker: Uh, the garbage, actually

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