The One Where they Go on that Second Date - 20

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A/N: Hey guys! Y'all beter be washing your hands so you dont get the rona. In other news, do you guys like when I write using you or I? I think it's easier to insert because it's like it's relaying stuff that you did, rather than me telling you what you did; but whichever you guys like the best, I'll stick with. 

Payton's POV

In shop class, Peter hits the weapon core casing with a hammer. WE are etrying to figure out what the core might be. Of course I know it's a bomb,  but they don't believe me! I know right?! How could you not believe me of all people?!

Anyway, they only reason I'm in this shop class is because I didn'twant to take joint band/choir. But I'm changing after this semester! This class is depressing and I can't do shit without almost killing my clumsy ass! The core emits purple light as it is partially freed from the metal casing.

"Oh" Peter says. He starts to pull it apart. Ned joins him. He's still kinda salty that Peter left us at the party for a while. "Hey, thanks for bailing on me." Peter shakes his head, "Yeah, well, something came up." Ned spots the glowing core. "Oh, what is that?" Peter struggles to take the machine apart. "I don't know. Some guy tried to vaporize me with it." Ned's eyes widened, "Seriously?" " Yeah." "Awesome. Payton ran into a fire while you were gone! That was pretty cool too." Peter looks at Ned at the absurd reaction. I'm used to it, so I dont really care that much. "I mean, not awesome. Totally uncool of that guy. And the fire. Not cool. So scary."

Peter gives Ned a look and continues to work at the casing. "Well, look, I think it's a power source." I turn from it and attempt to work on my mandatory shop project. Every few weeks we hand something in and he "grades" it. He grades it on looks and how it works depending on wha it is. I was working on a band for the bond touch bracelet I was making. I assumed that I could be sent back at any ime so I should give Peter something to remember me by. I chipped at the wood, as Ned spoke again.

"Yeah, but it's connected to all these microprocessors. That's an inductive charging plate. That's what I use to charge my toothbrush." Ned points at a complex-looking charging mechanism connected to various wires. "Whoever's making these weapons is obviously combining alien tech with ours."

"That is literally the coolest sentence anyone has ever said. I just want to thank you for letting me be part of your journey into this amazing-" "Lmao Ned keep being you," I added. Peter is not listening to a word he's saying. He brings up a hammer and hits the core really hard. The core pops out from its place, glowing. Peter and Ned immediately look at the teacher. The teacher is reading a book, sitting in his chair. He does not even spare a glance at the commotion they are causing. "Keep your fingers clear of the blades." He didn't even look up. " Lazy ass bitch!" He looked up, locking eyes with me. Shit. Then he went back to reading. Da fuck? No detention! I mean, okay.

Peter and Ned start laughing, turning back and looking at the core which popped out. "I gotta figure out what this thing is and who makes it." I shook my head, "I already told y'all. THat. Shit. Is. A. Bomb!" I finished the band and set it down. Picking up sand paper, I used it on the band, smoothing out the sharp parts. Peter and Ned rolled their eyes. "We'll go to the lab after class and run some tests." We see the core glowing on the table. "Let's do it."

Peter and Ned share a complicated ass, stupid ass, secret handshake. "You two are the dumbest people I know. atch that thing bow both your asses up. And that's on being dumb, periodt."

I walk out of the class in front of them, the lackeys following behind. "First, I say we put the glowy thing in the mass spectrometer." "First, you should throw it off an abandoned cliff, but y'all are too nosy for that."

"First, we gotta come up with a better name than 'glowy thingy.'"

"So you're gonna ignore me now? Whatever. I'll go hang out with Jordan and MJ. They appreciate me."

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