Jealous - 18

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Payton's POV

Ned knows about Peter know, which I don't reallymind. I dipped out while they were talking and now I was at the Thai place with May, Peter catching up. Then, we go to a small table and start eating. May tries to make Peter talk, but he looks distracted.

"What's the matter? Thought you loved larb. It's too larby? Not larby enough. How many times do I have to say "larb" before you talk to me? You know I larb you." Larb you 3000 May. I gave her a small smile for her joke and she sat up strighter, happy that I got it. Peter shook his head and gave a weak smile, finishing his bite of food. "I'm just stressed. The internship, and I'm tired. A lot of work." Boy please, you know I do all the work. 

Frankly, Peter still hasn't asked me on a second date and doesn't acknowledge any of the work I do! Whenever we go on patrol, I'll literally do EVERYTHING and then leave him a bit to do out of pity and he'll act like he's baby Jesus!!  Anger boiling over, I pushed his cup onto the floor with my power. The purple mist left as soon as it came. My eyes widened and I turned to see if anyone had noticed. Thank god Peter, May, and everyone else are too involved in their own things to have noticed! I need to get more control over my emotions!

"The Stark internship. I have to tell you, not a fan of that Tony Stark. Distracted all the time... PREACH May!!! he's got you in your-" A news report on the television behind May catches Peter's attention.

News Anchor: The beloved Queens' institution, Delmar's Sandwiches, was destroyed...

May: What does he have you doing?

News Anchor: an explosion...

May: You need to use your instincts.

She becomes quiet as she turns to listen to the news reporter. "...earlier tonight after an ATM robbery was thwarted by Queens' own colorful local crime-stopper, the Spider-Man. As the Spider-Man attempted to foil their heist, a powerful blast was set off, slicing through the bodega across the street. Miraculously, no one was harmed." Aunt May turns back to Peter and I with a serious expression. She reminds me on Molly Weasley. I love them both. "If you spot something like that happening, you two turn and you run the other way." Peter nodded, "Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Of course." I smiled, "Okay May!"

May: Six blocks away from us.

Peter: I... uh... I need a new backpack.

May puts a finger to her ear, disbelief clear on her face.

May: What?

Peter: I need a new backpack.

May: That's five.

Payton: I found it and put it on your bed earlier. You don't need a new one.

May: See Peter? Payton is smart and responsible! As you should be.

I smiled wider and Peter glared. I guess he's salty. A waiter brings a new dish to their table, his eyes glued on May.

Thai Waiter: Sticky rice pudding.

May: Oh, we didn't order that.

Thai Waiter: It's on the house.

The waiter winks, then leaves.

May: Oh! Thanks. 

She turned to us, smiling. "That's nice of him." Peter cracked a corny joke, "I think he larbs you." I shook my head. "I think he wants YOUR sticky rice pudding!" Peter glared and I started laughing. May pointed at herself with a exaggerated look of surprise.

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