Bougie Party In the Suburbs - 19

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Jordan's POV

Bet you didn't expect that did you? I make the story more juicy for readers! Yes, readers, I know yall in your house watching me! Probably got some chips or sum. Now I'm hungry.

Peter's Aunt March or sum is driving us all to Liz's house. We're meeting MJ there. Exciting, upbeat music pours out from the house. I'm excited! House party, cute guys!! Actually, Peter's a whole snack, but Payton called dibs, so. And I don't think Peter really likes me all that much. I don't know why; I try to be friendly whenever he's around!

His Aunt March slows her car and turns around to talk to us. Wow, that woman has a cute outfit on for an aunt! I gave Ned my fedora to wear. "House party in the suburbs. Oh, I remember these. Kind of jealous."Can't relate.  "It'll be a night to remember," Ned said. Matty laughed, "Ned, some hats wear men. You wear that hat." "Yes, yes you do Ned," I spoke, trying to boost his confidence. Ned crinkled his nose, embarrassed, telling Mary(??? Dont know her name) and I that it did give him confidence.

Peter is looking out the window, removed from the conversation taking place beside him. "This is a mistake. (to March) Hey, let's just go home. Payton, we could have a study date!" And sit at home on a Saturday night? Peter needs to chill.

"Oh, Peter. I know. I know it's really hard trying to fit in with all the changes your body's going through. It's flowering now." We all started laughing and Peter looked embarrassed. hE's fLOweRinG LmAo 

Peter: Uh-huh.

Mary: (to Ned) He's so stressed out lately.

Ned: What helps with stress is going to a party. We should go to the party.

Jordan: Yes, yes we should. And MJ's waiting, so that'd be kinda rude

Payton: Right.

Peter: Yeah, let's do it. Yeah. I'm gonna go. I'm gonna go.

Peter opens the car door and steps out. I get out behind him and he opens the door for Payton. What a cute couple!

Mary: Peter.

When Aunt Matty calls his name, Peter stops and leans in to listen to his aunt through the window. Ned gets out behind us.

March: Have fun, okay?

Peter: (nods) I will.

Mary: (in a soft voice) Okay.

Ned: Bye, May!

May! That's her name!! "Bye May!" She smiled at me. Ned waves with a huge grin on his face. Peter closes the door and catches up to him. They approach the house side by side.

Ned: Dude, you have the suit, right?

Peter pulls up his sleeve, to show him. I guess it's some sexy suit for Payton. Idk

Peter: Yeah.

Ned: This is gonna change our lives.

The front door opens, revealing the crowded house party. We go in and Pater and Ned glance around anxiously. Peter looks especially nervous. Payton and I wave at our friends accross the room. Two girls pass by in front of us, not taking any interest in our arrival.

Rude Bitch(who doesn't take interest im my arrival?! It's like hating Beyonce!): Annie, over here!

OrPhAn AnNiE: Hey.

Flash is running a DJ station. Ostentatious in headphones and a yellow shirt.

Male Voice: DJ Flash!

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