Big Candy Scam - 15

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A/N: Sorry, I had too lmao, but is anyone else wondering why Marvel couldn't just let him catch the bullets? He certainly had the time!

3rd Person POV

Mj, Betty, and Shuri were all sprawled out on the floor in your room. Betty was painting nails, and Michelle was reading the Stranger Things book, while talking about her dislike of Valentines day. Shuri was working on her high-tech dress that changed colors and lengths. At the moment, she was attempting to make it smell like roses, opposed to it's usual scent of turkey, as Peter had accidentally put some of her tech in his sandwich. Don't even ask how, that kid is too sad! How do you even go about-!

"Valentine's day is just a scam by Big Candy to get you to buy! If I wanted to celebrate love, I'd watch the notebook!" You rolled your eyes and turned to face her, careful not to mess up Betty's painting.

"Take a chill pill, MJ. This party isn't a scam by Big Candy! It's a scam run by Tony! Big parties are a great way to create business relationships and deals, apparently. But don't shoot the messenger!"

"I would, if I had arrows. If Clint would leave his nest, maybe I could ask him for some!" You all laughed and shook your heads. You threw a pillow at MJ, which hit her square in the face. "If you volunteer as tribute, you could ask Katniss!"

With that, the four of you continued to get ready. You did you hair and stuff, but it wasn't a big production. Because I'm not extra like that. Then, you put your dress on! (You can imagine something else if you want!) A/N: Does anyone else think the smiles on those models in the dress pictures are SO creepy! It's like, what is she so happy about?!

 Then, you put your dress on! (You can imagine something else if you want!) A/N: Does anyone else think the smiles on those models in the dress pictures are SO creepy! It's like, what is she so happy about?!

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Once everyone was settled, you made your way out of the room and downstairs, where Peter and Ned were waiting for you. Peter looked up and his eyes widened, immediately going back to looking at his new shoes. Standing next to the tomato child was Ned, smiling like a kid on Christmas morning. He met Betty at the bottom of the stairs and grabbed her hand. She smiled back at him and accepted the flower he was holding in his other hand. 

Then, you realized something: "Michelle, do you have a date?" you and Betty both asked. I guess she noticed too. Michelle smiled and grabbed Shuri's hand. "Totally, we've been dating for two weeks. Guess you guys aren't observant." Everyone looked at the two in disbelief, while you gave them a thumbs up and nod of approval. The ship I didn't know I needed...

Peter gave you a big bouquet, while Ned gave him a dirty look. He definitely one-upped him. HIs cheeks turned a bright red when you grabbed his hand and made eye contact. Tony came in with Pepper in tow, looking a little mad. Or frustrated. Or sad. it was hard to tell. There was a cane in his hand for some reason. He probably stole it from Steve. How rude! Respect you elders!

"Payton, you are supposed to be introducing yourself to the bored, lonely, loser kids of future business partners! The more friends you make, the more I make! And what are you doing with her hand, kid?!" He took the cane and whacked Peter's hand away. Peter grabbed it, in pain, "Mothertrucker, dude, that hurt like a buttcheek on a stick!" Tony then hit him with the cane again, in the chest this time. "NO! POP! CULTURE! REFRENCES!!" He then stormed out of the room, thinking he won that fight. On his way, he pushed things off tables and broke a vase with tiny black dust in it. Pepper yelled at Tony, who was still close by, "That's my Grandmother!" She shook her head and gathered her Grandmother together, putting her in a new container. Awkward! Pepper, slightly embarrassed, smiled at you all and told you to go have fun. 

For the rest of the night, you guys danced awkwardly, met rando rich kids, and raided the food table. Mini hot dogs, crab cakes, and cake pops were swallowed whole. You got to see Coulson for the first time and met Skye, Fitz-Simmons, and Agent May, which you were SOOOO pumped about! You kinda wanted to meet Ward too, but as he is kinda running Hydra right now, you didn't wanna ask. You also got in trouble for an outburst by Peter and Shuri. They remembered a joke when Ned was asking a serious question and yelled. Ned said, "Peter, how are those chicken strips?"  and Peter and Shuri yelled, "FUCK YA CHICKEN STRIPS, FUCK ya chicken strips!" Once the night essentially ended and all of the people had left, your friends and family were in the living room hanging out. 

Thor's POV

While we are doing the "chilling out," we are actually completing a mission! I am supposed to put the Peter of the Park and the younger Stark in what's called a closet for linen! The closet's in the castle are for many things and are huge, but I guess the poor Midgardians live with smaller means. It is called the Operation for Spiders With Feelings! It was supposed to put their names together, but I still don't see how that worked out. The ships in Asgard are for the sea and space, but on Midgard they are for names too! I suppose this is so the "Homo Sapiens" can pretend to afford one. I feel deep pity for their lesser means. 

Also, these "cars"-"Thor, don't you have a question for one for the kids? Or two?" Ah, yes! I received a commission! "YES! MY COMMIS-I-I mean, CLOSET!" Loki glared and covered his ears. "Speak lower, brother. At this rate, by the time you're done speaking, my ears will have the same fate as Coulson. Cold.(A/N: ~like an frost giant~) Just cold. I mean he's alive and and came to the party in a abysmal disguise, but still rude. "ANYWAY, I don't know how to work such a small closet! Can the Man of Spiders and his fair lady help me?"

"Who's my 'lady'?" I looked at him quizzically. "You know not who your lady is? I remembered you saying something about Lady Payton?" Peter of the Park looked red. Maybe he had some bad goat tongue? It happened to Loki. He got up with Lady Payton and walked over to the closet of linens. They must truly be gullible! I know how to work a closet! Even if it cannot fit 70 people inside. Once they were close, I got up and followed them. Man of Spiders stuck his head in the door and looked around. "What's the prob-" Before the Spider son could finish, I grabbed the both of them and pushed them in, like the elderly men instructed me to. But don't tell Steve and Bucky I said that. Stark came to the door and locked it, saying "we won't let you out until you kiss! And, don't worry! JARVIS can and will capture the whole thing on video!" The Spider has to bestow a kiss upon her? Good luck Man of Spiders! You don't seem that smooth!

Peter's POV

"What the f-""LANGUAGE!" I'm stuck! In a confined room! With THE prettiest girl! Did I mention I'm afraid of enclosed spaces? It's probably getting smaller by the minute. And everyone outside is laughing! I'M FREAKING OUT!!! "Peter?" wow, I forgot she was here. "Y-yeah? C-could you turn on a light, I c-can't s-see you!" "JARVIS, lights on." oh fuck, now I can see the room getting smaller! "Peter? Are you ok?" I closed my eyes and responded, "yeah. The room's getting smaller by the second, but yeah. I'm great!" 

Payton's POV

Wow, I feel terrible! Poor kid! "I'm sorry!" Peter opened his eyes and looked at me. "Sorry? For what?" He looked around the room, his eyes widening. "I shouldn't have told Pepper, Tasha, and Wanda anything! I'm sorry that you're claustrophobic and we're stuck in a small closet because I like you! And-" I just done fucked up. But, for some reason, he looked happy? Excited? Maybe I'm wrong though. He's smiling! 

Peter took a step closer, if that was even possible. Leaning in, he brushed hair out of your face and behind your ear. Closer.

He gave you a small smile and rested his forehead against yours. Closer.

His lips brushed against yours and pulled you in, closer.

"C-c-could I k-kiss you?" Buttered biscuits, PeTeR PARKER is gonna kiss me?! 

"Y-yeah, that'd be fine with me." It came out as a whisper, though. He leaned in and finished the gap. The kiss was....nice. Soft, sweet and definitely not forced or abrupt. Wow. I went from being a loser to kissing Peter BENJAMIN Parker! And he smells like mint, strawberries, and web fluid! 

"You guys having fun in there?" Ugh, father!

"Tony Stank! Leave! Us! Alone!"

"Whatever! Don't be getting freaky in there! I'm responsible for you!"

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