It's a Date - 14

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A/N: Did anyone else's teachers use the pandemic as an excuse to give extra work? They're like it's okay, puT sOmE MoRe

At lunch, I told Ned, MJ, and Peter about the party. "So....I need a date? Can't I just bring Jesus?"

"No, Ned, Jesus has a date with the holy spirit and, when you ask her. you'll have a date with Betty"

"But isn'tJesus the holy spi-you know what? It doesn't matter! I'm not asking Betty that! Betty doesn't even like me!"

"Oh, really? Because that's not what she told me, but I'll go ask her. And if she doesn't, its her loss! Who wouldn't want to date Ned Leeds??" 

"No, don't-" You didn't hear the rest of what Ned said because you were off to your other friend's table. She was sitting with her yearbook friends. You walked up behind Betty, putting your hands on her eyes. Startled she tried to look around. Then, she giggled. "Payton! Why do you insist on scaring the crap out of me?!" You let go and smiled. "That look on your face!"

"Anyway, Be, I came over here for a reason." Betty looked up from the pictures scattered all over her desk, trying to move one out of my view. It was of Betty and Ned in the hallway! How sweet, but it's even more cute how slick she thinks she's being right now

"And that reason is...?" Grabbing the picture of her and Ned from her hands, you replied "This. Ned wants to ask you to that Tony Stark party everyone's talking about and he's nervous, but he doesn't know you like him." She took the picture back into her hands, looking at Ned. "And? Are you saying I should ask him?" You sat down next to her looking in her eyes, smiling. "Yes! Its frustrating watching you two stare at each other all day! Like, JUST KISS ALREADY!"

"Like you and Peter don't look at each other like that." Damn, touche. "Well, can you just ask him? Be the Leia to his Han Solo?" She scrunched her nose, contemplating the idea. "Sure, but who is Han Solo?"

"You're going on a date with Ned. If you don't know who Han Solo is, you'll sure as hell find out."

"So, when are you asking Peter on a date?" Fuck this shit, I'm out  Without a word, you walked away, fast. Your face was slowly turning a bright red. After calming down, you sat next Ned, who looked eager to know what had happened. "Neddy, my man, it's a date. Now, um, anyway, P-peter?" He stopped trying to steal MJ's Human Bondage book and made eye contact. WTF is this bish reading?!

"Yeah?" Deep breath, it's not that big. Dont freak out, we don't need another incident. When you found out Ward was Hydra, you threw your phone at the TV. Broke both your phone and the expensive flat screen. I'm working on being more calm now.

"Um, maybe you.....couldgotothevalentinespartywithme...." It came out softly and Peter seemed confused. "H-huh?" Ned winked and punched your shoulder. "Just want you to know that I heard that!" You kicked him, hard, under the table, making him yelp.

"U-um, I didn't really hear y-you, but um maybe wecouldgotoMr.Starkspartytogether?" 

"Awww! They both speak to fast for us to comprehend!"Did he just- I- YESS!!! I-i mean cool-play it cool "Sure! Yes! I'd love to-i-imean yeah okay."

"Oh okay! C-cool! Cool."


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