Empath - 3

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3rd Person

Natasha Romanoff: I'm just . . . I'm reading the terrain. We have made . . . some very public mistakes. We need to win their trust back. 

Tony Stark: Focus up. I'm sorry, did I just mishear you or did you agree with me? 

Natasha Romanoff: Oh, I want to take it back now. 

Tony Stark: No, no, no. You can't retract it. Thank you. Unprecedented. Okay, case closed--I win.

 Steve Rogers: I have to go. Steve gets up sharply, drops the Accords on the coffee table, and goes downstairs. Tony breathes out hard, as frustrated as Steve is. BAM

Everyone in the room runs outside to see a teenage girl on the floor outside the room

Tony: "What the fu-"

Payton's View

You rubbed your head as the world around you became bright again; You were currently on the ground. Again. Getting up, you saw a familiar room. "What the fu-" "THE AVENGERS?!" you yelled. They all jumped back...afraid? Maybe yelling at them isn't be best approach..." "Hi! I'm Payton and I love you guys! Especially RDJ And Peter Jessop. Don't forget about Terrence Howard!!! And those are just the people in this room!! I've been watching all of your movies for so long and-"

James Rhodes: "Movies?" Crap. "Um, this is gonna sound crazy, but I'm not from this world.."

Vision: "What planet are you from? Xandar?" "Earth...but i'm from another one, actually. One where you guys are fictional characters in movies!"

Tony Stark: "Who let this kid in here?! And what kind of person says things like that? 

Vision: "Actually, I believe she is telling the truth." Everyone turned to stare as Vision continued. "She just dropped in here from the sky with a purple seal around her body. When she traveled to this Earth, she gained abilities from the trip. I'm guessing teleportation? It all depends on what she did before she showed up in this hallway. And, about to fall out of her jeans, is her phone, which seems to be an iPhone. It's 2016 and her phone seems to be way too advanced to have been created this year. So, maybe we should keep her."

Payton: "I wouldn't mind! Pete-VISION is right! Y'all should keep me or something! I mean, considering I've watched all the movies, I know things that could be helpful in the future!" I pushed my phone back into my pocket. Vision was right; it was about to fall on the floor.

Tony: "Well, I would mind! Where would she sleep and who's taking care of her?!"

Sam: If the girl has any powers, it'd be dangerous for her to be anywhere else, considering she probably can't control them." They continued to argue as Vision brought you to an empty room with a single chair.

Vision: "We need to test your powers; sit here and...try to teleport around the room?" You nodded and got to work. With one last look at you, he walked through the wall, back to Tony and the others.

After a while of transportation to different parts of the huge room and to the hallway outside of it, you were pooped out. You were sitting down when you heard words "WOW, HOW REMARKABLE !" You turned around, but no one was there. "AMAZING", "I HOPE HER POWERS CAN BE CONTROLLED", "SHE COULD BE A GREAT AVENGER!", "WHEN IS PEPPER GONNA CALL ME BACK?!"

The yelling got louder and louder, jumbled, until all you heard was noise. You let out a shrill scream. "STOP YELLING, IT'S TOO LOUD, IT'S TOO LOUD" Three of the Avengers, Stark, Vision, and Sam ran back into the room. 

Vision: "Payton, are you alright?" The noise continued, even louder now that they were in the room. "IT IS SO LOUD OUT THERE!" All three men looked at each other and then back at you. "The room is soundproof from the outside. No sound coming in. Like a recording room," Tony said, genuinely confused. Vision's eyes lit up.

Vision: "Wow! I've never met one before, this is amazing! I assumed you had another ability, but I didn't know what it was until now!

Payton Pierce: "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?! WHAT IS IT!"

"You're an Empath."

A/N: If you don't know what an Empath is, it means that your powers are based on emotion. Since, you were upset about your life, essentially, when you came through the portal, you had strong emotions that sent you to their universe. An empath can read minds, feel other's emotions, give others your emotions(will be further explained), and do other things as well!

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