A Different Viewpoint and Some Glock Glock 3000- 27

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Peter's POV(Never heard from him this much before)

In my apartment, I slide into the kitchen with a sort of frenzied look. "May, I need your help." Aunt May stares at me with a surprised expression. "With what?" I shake my head and sit down at the table. "Paytonsaidshewasn'tgoingwithmetoFlashsoIaskedLiztogotoHomecomingwithmeandshethinksIlikeherandIdon'twannagowithherIwannagowithPaytonbutIdon'tkowifshe'dsayyesnow." May laughs and shakes her head at me, but then glares, I guess hearing what I'd said. "You did WHAT now? I liked her! Why'd you mess it up!" She grabs a pan and whacks me on the back of the head, before opening the Hawkins Pizza box and taking a slice, pushing it away so I can't have one. "Im sorry! She said she wasn't going with me and another guy heard her friend ask her." She sighs and sits with her pizza. "Did she say yes to this guy?" Huh? I guess I had said that out loud because she repeats the question. "Did she say yes to this guy?"

"Uh- I don't know actually. Oh" She hit me with the pan again. Holy shit that hurt....Spain without the S "She didn't say yes, you dummy!  And did you even ask her to Homecoming?" I lowered my head and shook it. I feel like an idiot "You need to fix this. You guys are sweet and I want some little Parker-L/N-Stark children running arou-

"Ugh! May! And yes, I need to fix this! Tomorrow!" I turned and ran out of the room, feeling inspired and empowered. But then, I realized I was starving and May was sitting with the food. I turned back around, as she laughed.


For the next few days, I tried talking to Payton quite often. However, she didn't seem as receptive to making up with me. Ned told me she'd heard about Liz, told him to tell me she dumped me, and is not going with Jordan...great. And since she's quite popular at school, everyone except for maybe Ned hated me. I've been tripped, thrown in the dumpster outside school, and jumped by the football team for my lunch money. The only good thing that came out of this was that Michelle and Payton were apparently best friends now. I've decided that I will speak to her at Homecoming, whether she likes it or not because I need to fix this. 

I picked out a dress shirt and tie and polished my shoes. According to Ned, Payton is wearing a blue, flowery dress, so I made sure to match her, rather than my date. I'm hoping Liz understands and that she doesn't get mad! I end up shaking my head in front of a mirror. May's preparing a light blue ribbon corsage, as well as a pink one for Liz(to be nice). I spray a cologne in the air to test it, then grimace at the scent. Old spice smells like shit damn May and I then watch a YouTube video on how to tie a Windsor knot. I turn to May with a surprisingly passable Windsor knot; overlooking my lopsided shirt collar, that is. "Right?"

I am now fully dressed in a suit. May teaches me how to dance, then straightens my clothes. In May's car, she pulls to a stop in front of Liz's house. "It's game day. So, what's the plan?" I try to recall everything May told me to do. "Open the door for her." She nods in agreement, "Mm-hmm." What was the second thing? Ohh! "Tell her she looks nice, but not too much because that's creepy!" May agreed, "Don't be creepy."

Peter: No. And, uh, tell her how I feel about Payton, and split my time between the two? May nods, as we'd decided it'd be rude to just drop Liz

Peter: When I dance with her, I'm putting my hands on her hips. I got this.

Peter gets out of the car and leans into the car window.

Peter: Love you.

May: Bye.

I walk up to the front door, pink corsage in hand, light blue one in my pocket, and then ring the doorbell. I wait with a nervous look for the door to open. With Toomes on the other side. my smile fades and he freezes. Toomes grins at me.

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