The Flight Before The Fight - 5

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F/C = Favorite Color, F/F = Favorite Food

 You are packing your bag; you have have just changed into my new clothes(up there). Tony had brought you on a shopping spree yesterday, considering you came here with literally nothing. The trip was in exchange for letting him recreate the technology inside your iPhone so he could have an 11 too. Because he's just that conceited that he needs to have a phone that comes out in 3 years...

You ran down the stairs with my luggage. "Tony Stank! Where are you? Let's go!"

"BOO!" You screamed, turning around to see Tony being "funny." "Come on Stanky! Grab my hand so we can go!" We had decided to save Happy the trip and get there ourselves. "Okay, Peloton! Salty, much?!" You laughed and grabbed his hand, imagining the airport.

Walking outside of your purple bubble, you see Happy with your love, Peter. You both get into the plane & see a conversation between Happy and Peter, with Peter taking a video. Tony interrupts, saying "Make sure your boyfriend doesn't barf all over my jet." With a smile, he walks away. He leaves behind Happy, the babysitter and two very flustered teens.

Peter: "I- She- Um-"

Payton: "Uh he's-" Happy walks away and finds a seat. The plane starts moving, so the kids sit down. 

Peter: Should it...? Should it be...? Should it be making that noise? 

 Payton:" Yes, Petey. Calm down. ummm...let's get to know each other! What's you favorite color? I ask even though I already know it's rainbow

Peter: "Ummm ok! My fa-favorite c-color is red. No, blue, green? I can't really decide," he says with a loopy smile. Awwwww!!!  He continues "I guess my favorite color is the rainbow. I-I can't choose j-just one!" How cute!  "What's you-yours?"

Payton: "Mine is F/C! uhh what is your favorite food? Mine's F/F"

Peter: "Cherry Pie! Favo-favorite song?"

Payton: "Actually, wanna hear?" The boy nodded and you pulled out our iPhone. It may be 2016 here, but you still have music downloaded from before on there. You found it on your Spotify Premium, courtesy of Tony Stank, and turned it on.(Now you should turn on the song!)

Dustin: Turn around. And look at what you seeeee in her face! A mirror of her dreaaaaam. "Make believe I'm everywhere, waiting in the liiiiiight," you started to sing along, "Hidden in the pages is the answer to our Neverending Stooooryyyyy" Halfway into the song, Peter started to sing along too"

"Stooryyyyy ahhhhahhhahhhhhh," you both sang. You started to laugh and he joined in. "That was a great song! Why haven't I heard it before?" You panicked and said "No one has ever heard the songs I listen to!" It seemed to settle with him because he smiled and nodded. Thank god!

You jumped of from your seat with a smile. "I have an idea!"

"Wha-what is it?!" I=You grabbed his hand and pulled him across the plane to Happy's seat. 

Peter: Shhh!

You then whispered to Peter "Petey, grab me the whipped cream in the fridge over there!" Peter handed you the bottle and you shook it and sprayed all over Happy's hand. Then, you tapped his nose, making it itchy. You both ran backwards, to hide but also see the fruits of your labor, as Happy raised his hand to his face. With a now creamy, white face, Happy looked up to glare at the both of you. You quickly snuggled up with Peter and closed your eyes. 

"Sorry, Happy was looking!" You say and you start to get up when he says" I-It's fi-fine, I DON'T MIND. I-I mean I don't mind," You smile and giggle at his yelling and get comfortable again saying one last thing before you fall asleep.

 "Goodnight, Handsome."

MADE FOR THIS WORLD --  PETER PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now