After All We've Been Through - 29

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(A/N): The last chapter! I started this around Christmas last year and it's so weird to see that I actually finished it

3rd Person POV

We arrive at Midtown High. Students are taking down a homecoming banner. Below it, Ned and Peter walk down the corridor.

Ned: It looked so insane. That whole... Like, it was just crazy. He, he was just like, "Zzzz," and you were like, "Ah!"

Peter: Shh.

Ned: And then I just hit him with the "pew." It was so, oh, my god.

Peter: You saved me. It was awesome. And you throwing that bat was hilarious, Jordan

Jordan: I didn't know how to use it because I got nervous!

Ned sent him a scared glance. He's been scarred ever since he saw him in the parking lot. Peter spots Liz at the end of the corridor. Her mom is walking beside her with a box full of her belongings. Betty runs to Liz and hugs her. MJ, Jordan, Ned, and I gave her the finger and Peter runs toward them, after getting Payton's permission, as she'd been crap to her.

Peter: Hey, Liz!

Betty: I'm gonna miss you.

Liz: Bye.

Peter: Liz.

Liz waits for Peter, wiping tears off her face.

Peter: Liz, look. I'm so sorry.

Liz: You say that a lot. What are you sorry for this time?

When Peter fails to answer:

Liz: The dance? That was a pretty crappy thing to do.

Peter: Well, yeah, but I... I mean, your dad... I can't imagine what you're going through. If there's anything I can do to help...She'd been mean to him and Payton, but he put her dad in jail. No one deserved that.

Liz: (fighting tears) I guess we're moving to Oregon. Mom says it's nice there, so that's cool. Anyways, Dad doesn't want us here during the trial, so...

Peter: Liz, I... I...

Liz: Bye, Peter. Whatever's going on with you, I hope you figure it out. And I'm sorry for being a bitch, I guess. I'm not used to not being the center of attention.

Liz leaves the school with her mother. Peter watches her go. Then, in the library, Mr. Harrington brings the Decathlon trophy to a table of students. "Congratulations, Decathlon national champions." "Yeah!"

"I'm gonna have to put this back in the trophy case soon, but just for motivation right now at this practice. I'm a little ahead of the game, but we will need a new team captain next year. So I'm appointing Michelle."The students turn to Michelle and clap.

Decathlon Team: Yeah!

Payton: Go bestie! She smiled at our nicknames. We had gotten a lot closer while I was here.

Michelle: Uh, thank you. My friends call me M.J.

Ned: I thought you didn't have any friends.

Michelle: I didn't.

Payton: Awww, you like us! 

She laughed and pushed me away. Peter's cell phone vibrates. He picks the broken phone up and reads a message from an unknown number: "Go to the bathroom."

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