Two Birds with One Stone - 22

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Payton's POV

Liz and everyone else left to go to the pool, while I stayed standing there with Peter. "You're gonna stay here then? I'm about to leave." Better here, than stuck in that storage place! I remembered to pack Peter my pillow and blanket, though. At least he'll be warm!

"Yeah, I'm gonna go swim. Here's your sweater back, though, You might need it." Peter grabbed it from my hand and finally looked at what I was wearing. His face turned a deep red shade and he turned his face. "Bye, I'm gonna leave. See you tomorrow!" Peter leaned in and hugged me. "Bye! Before you  leave, I want you to have this, though." He grabbed it from my hand and looked at me. "Isn't this your shop project?" 

"Yes, Peter. It's called a bond touch bracelet. You tap the button at the top, and my wrist will feel a slight sensation and the bracelet will emit a brief glow of red. You know, whenever we're far apart and you're missing me or something, I guess." I put it on his wrist and showed him mine. "Oh, cool!" He pressed the button and I felt a vibration and saw the red glow. Pulling him closer, I kissed him and then walked off. "Bye Peter-man!"

"Spiderman!", he shouted back. "Okay, Kid Arachnid!!" I found Ned at the end of the hallway and we got in the elevator together. 

~Time Skip due to Troy Bolton's Terrible Dance Break!~

At the indoor swimming pool, our Decathlon teammates swam. Liz sat on a wall between the pool and a spa. Ned, MJ, and I sat on chairs near the hot tub.

Peter's POV

Wearing his suit without the mask, Peter watches Payton through a window on the roof. Payton playfully chats with her teammates. Peter sighs and presses the button. Payton looks up and smiles at him, which gives him the confidence he needs to leave. Stepping back from the window, he tightens the straps on his backpack. Peter puts on the mask. A brief glow expands from the spider emblem on his chest.

Suit Lady: Good evening, Peter.

Peter: Hello? Hello?

Suit Lady: Congratulations on completing the rigorous Training Wheels Protocol and gaining access to your suit's full capabilities.

Payton's POV

I sat there thinking about what's happening now. It's really weird to think about! Because I didn't go with Peter, now I am apart of a scene that wasn't in the movie! This is, like, kinda cool. I wonder what happens here!! I was interrupted by Betty and Renee calling everyone over to the hot tub. Some people stayed in the pool, but most came over to sit. Apparently, while Peter is fighting Toomes, they play Truth or Dare and F, Marry, Kill.

Betty: Liz! F, Marry, Kill.....Spiderman, Thor, and Void!

Liz looked as though she was solving a Precalculus problem, really putter her mind to answering this dumb question.

Liz: Umm.....F Spiderman(Screw you Liz)....Marry Void....and kill Thor!

This seemed to have caused an uproar with every that would've switched Spider-man out with Thor. However, this wasn't the issue for me. "Why exactly would you want to marry Void?? Out of curiosity, of course!" Liz responded quickly, as thought it had been something she'd been thinking about. "If I marry Void, I can f her frequently, rather than once!" Someone kill me nowwww! Next, someone asked Betty 'Ironman, Captain America, and Thor,' to which she replied, "F Thor, marry Cap, and can I f Ironman before I kill him or is that wrong??" I gave her a dirty look and she apologized. We quickly moved onto Truth or Dare after that. Ned gave Betty a small peck and MJ had to steal from the front desk. 

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