The Ship is Being Patched Up - 12

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A/N: Hey! The chapters written with all of the Avengers are mostly written in dialogue form, as it's easier that way to start a new person speaking!


Tony's POV(didn't expect that, huh?)

Thor: "This wheel of flavored chews is delicious! Even better than goat eyes!"

Clint: "Don't tell me you ACTUALLY ate an entire GOAT?!"

I turned to them and got in between, preventing the fight. "Jesus! Calm down! Now where's the kid?"

Thor: "Who is this Jesus? Another one of your Midgard mortals?"

At this point, I'm just done. "Shut. Up."

Thor: "But-" He was cut of by a screeching sound from upstairs, "HOLY FRIGGA! I FrIggIN LiKe PEteR BEnJAMin PaRkER sO mUcH It HurTs tO ExIsT!!! HAppY NoW?!"

Everyone laughed and silently hoped Peter had heard her. But, he was outside. So he did not. The great luck Payton seems to have... 

Peter was currently trying to get a green-looking object out of his tangled, curly hair.

Thor: "Man of spiders, what seems to be in your hair?" He just doesn't stop talking, does he?

Peter: "Um, I don't know. I think it's a Tic-Tac, actually. It just fell from the sky!"

Tony: "Okay, kid! If you say so..." I patted Peter on the shoulder and shook my head. Everyone else seemed to think he was a little delusional too.

"No, Mr. Stark, I'm serious!"

Bucky: "Um, Parker. We need to tal-" Then, abruptly, Thor cut him off.

"You, Peter of the Park, contain emotions for the lady Pierce!"

Steve: "You. Have. No. Fucking. FILTER,"

Everyone: "LaNgUAgE!"

Steve: "iT wAS onE TiMe!"

"Emotions? Well, I guess. I contain  emotions for everyone!"

Tony: "No, you like-like Princeton!"

"No! Wait, Princeton? Payton, you mean?"

Tony: "No, I don't. That's the closest she'll ever get to Princeton!"

Sam: "Very off topic."

Bruce: "What he's trying to explain is that the way you describe her doesn't align with how regular people would describe their friends"

Peter: "Oh rEaLly?! Regular people don't think their friends are smart and nice and sweet and beautiful and lovely and amaz-oh I see where this is going. I'm gonna stop talking now."

Tony: "As you should." No one talks about Peloton that way; it's just weird....Im her PaRenTal!

Bucky: "Yay, the ship is being patched up!" Steve laughed and responded,

Steve: "Road work ahead!"

"Well, I sure hope it does!"



Payton's POV

We were now all playing charades in the living room. We had put both sides of the couch on seperate sides of the room for space to act out and you and Peter were winning by 15 points. Everyone else had around 15 to 20, compared to your 35. However, Pepper and Tony only had 4 points. Now, we were moving on to the second round: password. Instead of charades, you can say only one word and your partner had to guess. I thought the partner thing, though, was another ploy to get me with Peter.

Pepper: "Eiffel Tower!"

Tony: '"Monument? No, Europe? Macaroon? Baguette?"

Bruce: "The answer is literally PARIS"

Peter: "Time!"

Pepper: "Why do I love you, again?"

Tony: "Because you spice up my life! Get it?...see what I did there?" Pepper just shook her head and walked away. You mentally sent Tony a message Zero stars, I did not laugh. He turned to look at you and glared. "Well then, why don't you try?" 

"Okay! Peter, give the timer back to Clint and Nat."

Clint: "You've 30 seconds...3, 2, 1" You took a deep breath and looked at the first word. Thor.

"Goat", Peter quickly responded with "Thor"

"Float", "Pennywise"

"Um," You stumbled on your words a bit, forgetting what you were gonna say, but somehow, Peter guesses it anyway. "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!" 

Tony: "What the f-"

"K," "Hanging Tree" 

"Pinocchio," "Voldemort!"

"Liquid" "Beetlejuice"

"Loki," "Chitauri"

Bruce: "Ten seconds left," You scrambled to get your last words out. Ned.

"Funny," "Ned"

"I," "Nick Fury"

Clint and Nat: "Time!" 

Steve: "You guys must be cheating!"

"We're not!" Despite many complaints, you continued the game. It was now Bruce and Thor's turn.

Clint: "Start!"

Thor: "Mjolnir" Bruce turned to Thor, clearly confused. "Hammer?" Thor shook his head in disappointment. The entire minute passed by with Bruce just sitting there confused.

Thor: "Oh come on! It was clearly progeny!"

Bruce: "What do you mean?!"

Thor: "The hammer was used by Odin to train his progeny to master their trade!"

Bruce: "Fuck this, honestly. I'm out!"

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