I'm starting... to think... you're not... the Avengers! - 17

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A bicycle chain is broken. The thief rides the stolen bike down a sidewalk, pushing passersby off the street. Peter swings after him, lands in front of him, and holds out one end of a strand of web. He asks the thief, "Hey, could you hold this for a second? Thanks." Wow, Pete. How original...anyway, when the thief looks down at his hand, Peter uses his momentary distraction to glue him to the web. Peter lets go and the thief is pulled into the air. The thief still dangling above him, Peter holds up the bike and searches for its owner. 

"Hey, is this anybody's bike? No?" Then, a rando comes out of the store and my spidey-boi asks the dude "Hey, buddy, is this your bike?" The man responded with, "I have no change," lmao I'm dead. Peter turns to look at me, seeing me on the floor WHEEZINGG. He shakes his head and smiles wide. "Does anyone have a pen? Do you have a pen?" I shook my head, "You don't need one. I'm ready for any situation." I then pressed a sticker I'd made for this occasion on the paper Peter had and we left. Peter swings by a train station high above ground level and strikes a pose. I shook my head and followed him.

"Whoo! Everybody good?" He took off the mask so I could see him.

"Peter....you did that for what."

He pouted and shot a web at me. "Peter, bish da frick?!" He pulled me with him for a second and then stops on the FRIGGIN' TRAIN! We then ride on top of a subway car, Peter-man reading something on his phone. I grabbed the mask and put it back on his head. He then throws us to another building. Crazy ass-

Peter stands on the edge of the building. A street vendor from below exclaims "Hey! You're that spider guy on YouTube, right? Are you the void? That's so awesome!" People kept calling me Void because of the teleportation. Peter looked a little sad. I guess he's jelly that he's not a bad ass like me. He glared at me and then looked back at the man. "Call me Spider-Man!" The man responded, "Okay, Spider-Man. Do a flip." Peter did a backflip on the roof. Peter probably took ballet as a kid. Oh my Thor, him in tights?! fhdjkslbv 

Back to reality, you were biting your lip, trying not to laugh and the street vendor applauded Peter. "Yeah!" Another man down below said "Not bad."

The rest of patrol goes by fast, Peter giving directions to an old women one second and me saving a little girl from a kidnapper the next. "Sweetie, next time a man offers you candy and wifi from a white van, you! say! no! Even if he has five bars!" I gave the little girl another hug and went to bring her to her parents.



A man tried to open a car door with a thin slab of metal. Peter sees this, jumps onto the roof of the car, then uses his web to bang the man's head on the car. The car's alarm then goes off. "Hey, buddy. Shouldn't steal cars. It's bad." Peter glues his hand to the car with his webs.

"It's my car, dumbass!" An old woman looks out from her window and starts to shout at Peter. All hell breaks loose.

Marjorie: Hey! Shut that off!

Peter: I was just tryin' to-

Car Jacker: Can you tell him it's my car?

Day Sleeper: I work at nights! Come on, dude!

Old Man: That's not your car! That's his car.

Peter: How was I supposed to know? He was putting that thing in the window!

Karen: Every day with these damn alarms!

Karen #2: Shut it off!


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