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"Hey, time to go see you ready? Do you have everything?" I ask my little sister. "I have everything," she replied. "Good I'm not coming back here. Go put your stuff back and go make sure you have everything." I tell her. We're moving out, I'm 18 years old and my little sister, Bailey, doesn't want to live with our dad anymore. I'm half gem half human I don't know my mother or what gem I have. "Alright I have everything." Bailey said with a huge smile on her face. "Let's get to it," I smile. We're moving to a house in Beach City, about 1,500 miles away from home. I finally get to the house and it looks beautiful. (Picture above) "welcome home!" I say proudly. As all of the boxes were unpacked and put where they belonged, I went to bed. "Night munchkin." I shout to my sister. "Night butthead" she shouted back. I laugh and fell asleep in my bed. I just have slept walked because I woke up on the couch. As I go back to my room, I check the clock; 8:30 A.M, Bailey must still be asleep then. "I'll just go get us some donuts" I whispered to myself. I walked into The Big Donut and walked to the counter. "Hi! You must be new in town, what can I get you," a short woman with blonde hair says. "Yeah I just moved here with my little sister, I'll get a F/D, and a glazed donut please." I say. "I'm Y/N by the way," I add, "Sadie, this is Lars," Sadie says. She handed me the donuts and I payed for them. As I was getting ready to leave, a boy walked in. "Hi Sadie, Lars!" The boy shouts. "Hi Steven" Sadie replies, "you must be new here! I've never seen you before," the boy says. "Yeah I am, I'm Y/N" I say. "I'm Steven! I'm a crystal gem!" He says. We shook hands and he sees my gem on the back of my hand. "Oh my stars your a half gem too?" He asks with stars in his eyes. "Yeah I guess, I don't know much about gems but I have to go bye Steven!" I say as I walk away, "Bye!" He says. I walked back to the house and set the donuts on the kitchen counter. Surprise surprise, Bailey woke up.

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