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Steven POV
As Y/N walked away I ran back to the temple to tell the gems. I think her gem was a sapphire so cool. "Pearl! Guess what!" I shout. "Hm?" Pearl replied. "There is new people and town and one of them is like me!" I say excitedly. "What? Another half gem? Impossible, what was her gem?" She said. "She looked like a sapphire," I reply as garnet and amethyst walk in. "What about a Sapphire?" Garnet questions. I explained that there was another person who was like me, a half gem. They all looked shocked and confused. "Well, if she isn't causing any harm, she's okay with me." Amethyst said.

Me and Bailey decided to go and check out the town, we went to Funland to see their games, the big donut, and pretty much anywhere. After that we went for a walk, "I like it here, it's quiet," Bailey said. We found a place on the sand to sit and watch the sun go down. " I agree, I love it here," I reply. I guess Steven saw us here and ran over to us. "Hi Y/N" he said. "Hi Steven," I reply. "This is my little sister, Bailey, I'm adopted," I say. "Hi" she said blushing. I nudged her and Steven greeted her. We sat there for awhile, Bailey gave him our phone numbers and we went back home.
"Beep! Beep! Beep!"my alarm clock shouted waking me up. I shut it off and went back to bed. I woke up an hour later and brushed my h/l, h/c hair and I left it down. I put on a f/c hoodie that covers a white shirt, I put on black leggings and some vans. I woke up my sister and she got ready for the day, she went off to school and I went to the store in the town next to ours. "I'm bored," I say as I plop onto the couch. I heard a knock and went to answer the door, I see Steven and three other people. "Hi Steven, who are these ladies?" I ask. "Oh, these are the crystal gems i told you about." He said. He and the others walked in and sat down on the couch. One was really short and had long purple hair and had purple skin. "Sup I'm amethyst." She said. "I'm y/n" I reply. The taller gem with white skin and a pearl gem on her head. "Hello, you must be Y/N Steven told us about, I'm pearl," Pearl introduced herself. "Hi!" I say. The tallest gem who had a box hair style and visors covering her eyes, she had purplish reddish skin tone. "Garnet" she said straight the point, "hello" I reply . "I'm home!" Bailey shouts as she walked through the door. She introduced herself to the gems. "Is it true that your a half gem like Steven?" Amethyst said leaning forward in her chair. "Yeah, I guess, all I know how to do is summon my weapon. I don't know anything else about gems," I reply. "Let us teach you then," pearl says. "Oh um, I don't know." I say. "Come on! You can come with us on adventures!" Steven says. "I'll think about it I'll text you my answer." I say. "It's getting late we should go home." Garnet says to the gems. We said our goodbyes and they left.

"They were kinda strange," Bailey said sitting down at the table. I ruffled her brown hair and smiled. "I know but please don't judge them." I say. "Alright let's eat now I'm hungry." Bailey says with a grin. "Wanna watch a movie? It's Friday after all." I say, "big hero 6?" She smirks, "you betcha," I laugh. Half way through the movie, the best part too, she falls asleep. I turn the movie off and carried her up the stairs. She's pretty light for a 14 year old. As I tucked her in I went to take a shower. After the shower I put on my f/c. Pjs. I sat in bed scrolling through tik tok. (Mood) for some reason I can't stop thinking about garnet, I have so many questions. Why does she have two gems? Why does she wear those visors? And more. I cleared my thoughts and went to bed. When I woke up, around 10:30, I checked my phone, Steven called me. I wonder why. I called him back to see what  he was up to. "Hey" I said, "hi y/n, I was wondering if you and your sister wanted to hang out with me and garnet later." He said, "sure we will meet you at the beach at 1:00" I said. "Alright see ya," he says. I hung up and hopped in the shower. After the shower I put on a Panic! At the disco t-shirt and black ripped jeans and a white hoodie wrapped around my waist. I combed my h/l hair then brushed my teeth. As Bailey woke up, 10 minutes after I woke up I told her that we were gonna hang with Steven and Garnet today. She agreed and got ready for the day. "Ready?" I ask. "Ready." She replied

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