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Amethyst POV

Yeah i guess it's pretty cool here. I was exploring the house when I hear Y/N's dad and Crystal talking in the living room. "When are you gonna tell her that her mother wasn't a gem?" Crystal asks.

What? I thought that her mother died because she was gem. "I'm gonna have to do it sooner or later." Mr. L/N says. I'm just gonna go back to my room. I don't want to cause drama.

"Hey wanna say goodnight to Steven?" I hear a voice ask. I turned around and saw Y/N. "Sure," I respond. I open the door and saw Steven, he looked tired as hell. "Hey Steven, goodnight buddy." I say not knowing what to say. "Goodnight amethyst." He replied, I walked out and turned off the lights.

I headed for my room which was one door away from his.


"Ready for bed my love?" Garnet whispers  in my ear. "Whenever you are." I whisper back. "Movie night?"I smirk. "Movie night." Garnet smiles back. "Yes! I'll get the popcorn!" I whisper shout. "I'll pick out the movie" she whisper shouts back.

A few moments later

I walk through the door with a bowl of popcorn and wearing an adorable stitch onesie. "I wonder if they still have my llama.." I think out loud. "Llama?" Garnet asks confused. "I got it for my birthday when I turned 13." I reply.

I eventually found my llama. "There you are Garold." I say, I heard laughter from behind me. "Garold?" She laughs. "It was the first name that came to mind when I was 13," I laugh along.

"So what are we watching?" I ask sitting down on the bed next to my girlfriend. "I chose (your choice of movie)" she replied. "I love that movie!" I whisper, "you love every movie," she whispers back. "What can I say? I love movies." I say.

She chuckles and played the movie. When it was halfway into the movie, I snuggle into Garnets chest and slept. I can never finish a movie.


"BEEP!" My alarm clock rung in my ear. I groaned "what time is it?" I ask. "Time to wake up sleeping beauty." Garnet said, "no." I say coldly. "Yes." She says again, "no!" I say pouting as a joke. She laughed and ruffled my messy hair. "Go get ready pumpkin." She orders. "Yes ma'am." I jokingly say.

I picked out a white t-shirt and some light blue ripped jeans. I picked out some black vans and a f/c hoodie. I take my clothes and hop into the shower. After I was done dressing and so on, I go and get some food.

"Good morning," I say, I hear mornings from everyone but Steven. "Is Steven still asleep?" I ask, "yeah." Amethyst replied. "Alright I'll get him up." I say.

I walked up the stairs and went into his bedroom to find him sleeping peacefully. I pull open the curtains to reveal the beautiful sunrise leak through the room. "Mmmm." He groans. "Rise and shine buddy. Sleep well?" I ask. "Yeah, it was really quiet." He replied. "Alright get ready, we have a long day." I say.

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