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Garnet POV
Bold- Ruby
Italics- Sapphire
"What is happening?" Ruby said
"I don't know, remember when I told you a few years ago about meeting a half gem being our soulmate? What if she is?" Sapphire asked
"It can't be! We're already together? How does that work?" Ruby asked
"Garnet?" Steven asked, "yes?" I ask, "you were spaced out when I was talking to you." Steven said with a worried look. "I'm sorry, I was just thinking." I said, "anyways Y/N should be here soon." He said excitedly. I see her walking with a thing of Oreos and her sister walking beside her carrying drinks. "Do you need help?" I ask them. "No I got it!" Y/N shouts. She and Bailey set the stuff down and gave us hugs. "Hey!" Steven playfully shouts when y/n ruffles his hair. "What do you want to do today?" I ask, "I was thinking watching a few movies after fun-land. I nodded in agreement then we began to walk towards fun land. "What ride so you wanna do first?" Bailey asks. "Hmm that one!" Steven points at one of the rides. "Hold on, my phone is ringing." Y/N says.


My phone began ringing and I excused myself from the group. "Hello?" I ask, "hey darling, how is it going?" I hear a familiar voice, "it's going great dad, Bailey and I made wonderful friends." I said into the phone. "That's wonderful! Anyways Crystal says hi!" Dad said (crystal is your step mother who is really nice) "tell her I said hi back, I have to go but I'll talk to you later." I said. "Alright bye!" He and I said. I made my way back to the group. "Let's get this party started." I say. "Yeah!" Bailey and Steven said together. "I'm ready," Garnet said with a British accent.

(After funland I'm lazy to write the rest of that)

"Alright me and Bailey have to grab something from the house real fast." I said. "Okay we'll walk with ya and wait." Steven said. "Is it just me or do I see smoke?" I ask. Garnet looked up "there must be a fire near," she said. I nodded and we ran towards the smoke. I stop in fear. "Oh my god." I said. "W-what," Bailey stuttered. The house was on fire. "Steven take Y/N and Bailey to the temple, I'll handle this." Garnet said. We did what we were told. I called my dad, he wasn't happy about this. He told me that he's gonna bring Bailey home, he offered to take me home. I declined and said I'll figure something out.

Garnet came back to the temple, "I'm so sorry about your house y/n" she said. "What happened" amethyst and pearl said at the same time. Garnet explained for me while I was crying. "Can she stay here for awhile?" Steven asked, "of course she can, we would be able to train her more often." Pearl said. "I'm all in for training." I said "what about me?" Bailey said. "Dad is on his way to take you home." I said, "okay." She said.

"Movie night?" I ask, "awe yeah!" Steven, amethyst, and Bailey said together. We all decided to watch Inside out. Garnet also joined but she was really silent. Both of the kids fell asleep before the movie ended. Both of them were put on Steven's bed, amethyst went back into her room once the movie was over. I fell asleep probably when the kids did.

Garnet POV

"But you can't deny, she is cute when she's sleeping," Ruby said. I've only known her for a few weeks and I've felt a connection. "Your not wrong at all" sapphire stated. I smiled at y/n and went back to my room to think.

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