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Greg brought us food, I took my meds and  stuff. I realized, Christmas is in three weeks. Me and Garnet did our nightly routine, movies and popcorn, then it came to me.

"We should go to my dads for Christmas." I suggest, "Are you sure?" Garnet asked. I nodded, "we will discuss this later." I said yawning. "Agreed." Garnet said turning off the lamp.

Falling asleep cuddling, I had a feeling something bad was gonna happen. Garnet did the usual morning routine, alarm, sun in my face, then water spilling over my face. "I'm awake!" I yell.

"Good. No more repeats." Garnet warned, I sighed and got out of my bed. "I've talked to Steven and the gems, they all agreed to your dads." Garnet said as I grabbed a f/c jacket, white shirt, jeans, and socks.

"Nice. We will leave in a week." I say going into the bathroom. I put a towel near the shower and took a shower. I dried myself off and realized, I left my clothes on my bed.

I walked out flustered with a towel on. Luckily Steven already left for the big donut. Pearl was in her room, Amethyst was raiding the fridge. Garnet was on the couch staring at me with a dark red on her face.

Amethyst started laughing as she realized what was happening. "I forgot my clothes on my bed." I explained, Garnet nodded still red as a really red tomato. I quickly ran into my room and locked the door and got dressed.

Walking back into the living room, Steven just got back. Super confused about what's going on. I explained and he laughed a bit.

"I got you some donuts" Steven said as he handed a (your choice of donut) "thanks bud." I said. "You know, if Connie wants to come she can come on our trip with us." I suggested. Steven's face lit up "really?" He shouted.

I nodded and looked at Garnet who also nodded. We took these trips to my dads every year. "First off today, I'm getting Garnet and Pearl a phone." I say.

"I actually already have one," pearl says pulling one out of her gem. "Oh. Less money to spend." I shrug. "What time does the store open?" I wonder out loud.

"9:30, in an hour you should get going." Steven said. "You should ask Connie to come over and ask her while we are gone." I say, "she's coming over anyways." Steven shrugs.

I nodded and waited for 9:00 to hit. "Ready?" I ask. "Ready." Garnet replied as we walked out of the house. "Why do I even need to have one?" She asks. "If something happens I'll be able to contact you." I reply.

"Fair point." She said as we reached my car. "I'll drive today." I say, "no I'll drive" she disagrees. We playfully argued for awhile. "Fine. You win." I give in. "I always win." She says getting into the drivers seat.

We drove for a half an hour chatting about the phone.

(Time skip brought to you by laziness)

"That was long." I said as we left the store. "Agreed. Worth it though." She smiled. I nodded in agreement. "When we get home we can set it up. I've already ordered a phone case." I said as we got into the car.

"How much do you love me, Ruby, and Sapphire?" Garnet asks. "I love you and the little beans the same. I love you all a lot. I can't even explain it." I said, she smiled "I knew you were gonna say that." She said.

"Future vision?" I asked as she stopped the car at a gas station. "Yup. The gas tank is almost empty. I'll pay." Garnet said as she shut the car door.

Ten minutes go by and I'm jamming out to the radio. She came back into the car laughing at me. "Nice moves," she says while laughing.

"I know, amazing right?" I laughed along. Before I knew it, we we're already at the temple. "That was fast." I said. She nodded and started walking to the temple.

"Welcome back!" Steven shouted from the top of the stairs. "Hi Steven!" I shout. "Did you ask yet?" I asked reaching the top of the stairs. "Yup! Her mom has to meet you through dinner." Steven said.

"Yeah. My mom needs consent and to know who will be taking me." Connie said as she came out. "Nice to see you Connie. When will be dinner?" I asked. "Tonight." She says.

"Okay. See you tonight." I said. "See ya. Bye Steven." She yelled. "So. Ya dating yet?" I ask as we walked inside. Garnet was already inside while I was talking to the two teenagers.

"W-wait what? It's nothing like that!" Steven said flustered. "I've seen the way you have looked at her I know you like her." I tease him.

"Fine. I do like her. As a friend nothing more." He refuses to face the truth. "Yeah yeah." I say.

"Could you ask Connie when dinner is?" I asked Steven. "She told me 5:30" he replied. "That leaves me an hour to get ready, an hour to help Garnet, and 30 minutes to drive." I say.

"Your coming too right?" I asked Steven. "Yup!" He replied. I helped garnet while Steven made a snack. I got her phone number, password, and everything situated. "Alright, call me when something happens." I tell her.

She nodded and warped away. "I guess she went on a solo mission." I said as pearl came out of her room. "She always does them." She replied, "where are you going?" She asked, "meeting up with Connie's parents." I reply.

She nodded "I have a mission soon," she said. "Wow. You guys have a lot of missions." I say, she nodded "how come I can't go on any missions?" I asked. "Garnet doesn't want you hurt." Pearl replied.

"I'm gonna get ready see ya pearl." I say going into my room. "Bye." She said as she walked to the warp. I changed into a f/c shirt and put a f/c sweater over it. I put on blue jeans and (your choice of shoes).

"Steven! Are you ready?" I said putting my h/c hair into a ponytail. "Yeah!" He replied. We walked down to my car and started driving. Of course I drove.

Steven gave me directions to the Maheswaren house. Once we reached the house, Steven knocked. Connie answered the door. "Hi Connie," I greeted her.

"Hi y/n." She greeted. She and Steven hugged and her parents appeared next to her. "Hello, mr. Maheswaren, dr. Maheswaren." I say, shaking both of their hands. "Hello," they say.

"I'm y/n" I address, "I know. Connie has told us about you, I'm so very glad to have you over for dinner tonight. Come on in." Dr. Maheswaren says.

"Thank you for inviting us." I say walking inside. "You have a wonderful home," I say. "Thank you, dinner will be out shortly," Dr. Maheswaren said. Steven and Connie ran off to go do something. "Have a seat," mr Maheswaren offered. "Thanks," I say trying to seem responsible.

In reality I wanted to go watch a movie with the gems. "How old are you?" Dr.Maheswaren asked, " I'm 24," I responded. We talked for awhile until dinner came.

I told them what I planned to do, who was gonna be there, and if anything goes wrong I have their number to contact them. "How long have you known Steven? What's your relationship with him?" Mr. Maheswaren asked. "I've known him since he was 7 years old, he's like a little brother to me." I answered the question.

"Time for dinner," dr. Maheswaren called from the kitchen. I sat down at their table, it was a really nice dinner. After dinner I thanked them for dinner, chatted with them for a bit, and me and Steven left.

Once we got home, Luckily I took my meds before dinner, and we went to bed. Garnet wasn't home so I put a bunch of pillows in her spot just to replace her spot.

I know I seen her a few hours I missed her. I fell asleep hugging the pillow, face planted in the face literally buried. Goodnight to me.

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