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Garnet POV

"Alright! Does everyone have everything?" Y/N shouts from the bottom of the stairway. "Yup!" Steven shouts back. I just gave a thumbs up and a smile. "I'm so sorry pearl couldn't come with us," I apologized again. "It's okay, it's her loss." Y/N shrugged.

"I call shotgun!" I shout running to the car. "No Fair!" Amethyst pouts. "Also I'm the only one who knows how to use the GPS system." I add on. "Hey! Technology is complicated," Amethyst adds on. "Not really." Steven says getting comfy.

"We ready?" My love asks the two in the back. The two nodded and Y/N started driving.

2 hours later

"Alright were half way there. I'm gonna get some gas and you can go take a break." Y/N says getting the gas started. "Can we get some snacks?" Steven asks. "Sure, I'll pay for it" I reply. "Hell yeah!" Amethyst shouts. "Language." I say.

"Could you get me a f/d and a (your choice candy bar)?" Y/N asks. "Sure love." I wink at her. A light blush spreads on her cheeks and I pay for the snacks. "I can't wait!" Y/n whispers, "I cant wait either." I whisper back.


Excitement filled my body as I see we're almost there! "A few more minutes left!" I shout in excitement. "FINALLY" Amethyst shouts. "Around 30 more minutes left then my Step-mom will smother me with food. I'm hungry." I say.

Steven smiles "I can't wait to meet your family!" He says. "Yup! All of my siblings will be there. Mostly my step siblings, All 5 step siblings, well maybe 4." I reply. "5 siblings? How did you deal with them?" Garnet asks. "Easy, I'm only the 3rd eldest sibling. My other siblings love me, sometimes." I answer.

"The oldest is Alyssa and her wife Riley, Fred is the second, then me, then Khloe, then Nathan, then Bailey." I list my siblings. They all just sit there staring at me. I laugh "we will be there in 5 minutes." I say.

"IM SO READY!" Steven shouts again. "Take a right, your destination is on the left." The GPS says. I pull into the driveway and we all get out. "Ah! I missed it here!" I say leaning on my Girlfriend. "Shall we enter?" I ask the team. "Yup," Garnet says, amethyst and Steven nod as a yes. "Alright." I say as I walk up to the house.

Home sweet home.

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