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Doctor POV

Something isn't adding up. The new patient I have I don't understand. I walk through the halls going to check on my patient Miss. L/N.

"Hi," I say making the woman with purplish reddish skin. "Yes?" She asks. "I need to do some tests on her to see what happened to her." I state. "Yes Ma'am." She says allowing me to move her bed.

(Time skip)

"Doctor." Another doctor says, "yes doctor Hailey?" I asked. "I think I know why she won't wake up." Hailey said. "Tell me your thinking Hailey.

"She must have had a stroke. I looked through her medical history and found that when she was born, she always had health problems. She was treated with medication. Unless she hasn't taken her medication, she will have these issues over and over. Do you understand my reasoning?" Hailey explained.

"I think that's the issue." I say. "Thank you Hailey." I thank her. She told me it was no problem, I took my patient back to her room. As I put her back into her bed the woman and three other people come in.

"She was born with many health problems. Has she been taking her medication properly for at least a month?" I ask the tall woman. "She never said anything about medication and health problems." She says.

"I'm assuming no. Ill need to giver her medicine to wake her up. She needs to take (type of medicine) every night." I state. "Other than that, she will be okay. She has a long history of strokes." I state.

"Thank you doctor." They all say. I nodded and left the room.

(Garnet POV)

"Why? Why didn't you say something?" I ask sitting back down. "I'm gonna take Steven and pearl back home." Greg says. He handed me a paper "call me to pick you up." He said.

"Alright. Thank you Greg." I thank him. Why didn't she say something? I'm sorry I couldn't help you.

I eventually got tired of crying and fell asleep holding her hand. I miss her.

Finally waking up from my slumber to see Garnet sleeping on my hand. I smile, knowing everything that happened. B it then I realized, she'll know about my medication.

Oh god. Accidentally moving my hand causing her to wake up. "Hi," I say softly. Her soft lips met mine really quickly. I kissed back softly as she pulled back. "I missed you so much." She whispered pulling me into a hug.

"I know about everything." I said as she let go. She looked confused, "what?" She asked. "I know your a fusion, Garnet." I say. Her face flushed a darker red "you do?" She asks. "Yup! I could see everything even though I was asleep." I explained.

She still looked confused, "don't worry, I love the two little beans." I say making her laugh. "Beans?" She laughs, "yup!" I say as the doctor walked in.

"Hello miss L/n, I see your finally awake. You should be able to get home by noon today. How are you feeling?" The doctor asks. "I'm doing good, I feel perfectly fine." I say. "Good. I'll be back to release you soon." The doctor said leaving.

"Did you hear that!? I get to go home today!" I say shaking Garnet. "I heard, Steven is gonna be happy." She said as the gems, Steven, and Greg walked in. Steven gasped and ran over to my side.

"You're awake!" He smiled. "Hello Steven and yes I'm awake." I said. "Welcome back." Pearl greeted me. "Sup." Amethyst said smiling.

"Glad your back kiddo." Greg said ruffling my hair. "So, when do you get to come home?" Steven asked. "Steven! She has to recover!" Pearl scolded him.

"Pearl. It's okay. I'm coming home today at noon." I announced. "You are?" Amethyst said really loudly. Of course Pearl shushed her. "Yes! You need to play some games with me in return for scaring me." Steven huffed. "Alright. Alright." I said.

"Home here I come." I said out loud.

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