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There will be a certain part I hate writing, Grooming and catcalling. I'm sorry but it's part of the lines I planned for. I'm so sorry again. Coming from someone who has been a victim of both, I'm truest sorry.


That was weird. Garnet was upset, I tried to ignore it. It only got worse. "Let's go see the cats!" I say trying to cover my fear.

"Coming, stay close." She said overprotective. "Sir. No hats or hoods on in the store." A worker said and we turned around. I saw a man with black hair and a black hoodie.

"This was a bad idea." I whisper to my girlfriend. "Let's see if he is here for us first. We will know if he keeps following us. I agree it was a bad idea." She said motioning me to keep walking. I nodded severely scared for our lives.

"Awww" I said staring at the cute kitten. I gave her puppy dog eyes. "Mmmm let me think about it." She said. I smiled widely and went to leave the area.

I noticed the same man standing there staring at me. He put his hands on my shirt pulling it down. "Excuse me?" I shout. Garnet came over, "is there a problem?" She asks and I nod.

Before he said a word I punched him in the face. He continued, this time groping my chest. A worker came over. "What seems to be the problem." The worker said.

"This dude, we have no idea who he is but he put his hands on my girlfriend." Garnet said. The woman nodded, "sir I'm gonna have you leave." She said, "or what?" The man said pulling out a gun.

He grabbed me and put the gun against my head, groping my chest. "S-stop!" I yelled. The store went into lockdown mode. That was when my training instinct came in.

Hitting his arm away from the gun, the gun flying away from him. Kicking him making him groan. I ran to the gun and picked it up the security guard saw all of this and held him on the floor waiting for the cops to show up.

"Are you okay ma'am?" A security guard asked me taking the gun away from me. "Yeah. Just scared." I reply going over to my girlfriend who was talking to one of the police officers on what happened.

"You okay?" I asked her, "hm? Oh. I'm okay, I'm not worried about me. Are you okay?" She said kissing my head. "I'm okay I'm ready to go. Please." I begged. "Let's go." She said as I was fighting back tears.

"I'm sorry, this was my idea to come here. I'm so sorry." I apologize, she looked at and grabbed my face. "Don't be sorry my dear. It wasn't your fault," she said as tears started rolling down my face. "Yes it was! If we didn't come here, we wouldn't be in this situation." I hugged her.

"Baby, I know your upset but the guy can't hurt us anymore. The next time we come here, I'll get you a pet-" she said before getting cut off by me. "Really?" I ask with teary eyes. "Really." She promised.

"Let's go." I smiled as I drove away. She took my phone and plugged in the sun cord. "What are you doing?" I asked smiling. "You'll see" she responds. Moments later she turns up the radio and I hear my favorite song.

I gasped and started singing along to it. She sung along to the song as well. She sung softly while I was going all out. As soon as the song ended, "and scene." I said as I parked my car.

She laughed at me and we started walking. We reached the temple and climbed the stairs. " I hate stairs." I said. "Eh," she replied as we walked in. Pearl was scolding amethyst for waking Steven up. Steven was sitting there watching a movie.

"That was a long drive." He said, I laughed "yo sup n/n." Amethyst greeted me. "Where have you been?" I asked. "She has been in her room stealing my stuff." Pearl replied to my statement. "Did not!" Amethyst argued.

I sighed and sat down. Garnet was trying to split them up. Steven came down the stairs and sat next to me. "You feeling any better bud?" I asked, he nodded. "Let's check your temp." I said going to to the bathroom to grab the thermometer.

I returned to the couch where Steven was. "Open," I said. He opened his mouth and I put the thermometer in. He closed his mouth. I checked the thermometer and it read 100.4, "flu. You have a high fever." I said.

Garnet smiled at me and went back to the other two gems. "Long day?" He asked, "yeah I'm really tired." I said. "You need to take a nap young lady." He demanded. I laughed "no, I'm okay." I said. He glared at me, "take the nap" he said.

"Fine, okay. But you get back in bed." I said. "Alright peace out." I said going up the stairs to my room. I shut the door and climbed in bed. Garnet came in shortly after.

"He's very persuasive." I said. "You had a long day, cuddle time." She said laughing. "Alright. Come here now!" I demanded. She followed my orders and cuddled with me. "This is nice. I'm not leaving here."

I said trapping her by wrapping my leg as around her waist and put my arms around her neck cuddling into the side of her neck.

I fell asleep shortly after. I was tired. Dang.

An hour later.

"Mmmm." I groaned. "Afternoon pumpkin." She greeted me. "I'm not moving so we're stuck like this for awhile." I said. I kissed her gently and smothered her with a bunch of little kissed on her face.

"I'm still tired. What time is it?" I asked. "4:35" she replied. "I'm hungry let's eat." I said. "But cuddle time?" She asked. "Mmmmm I can't say no. For a few more minutes." I say getting smothered in kisses again.

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