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(One thing I didn't mention is that Steven is 7 in this book for now)

That night we had my sister's favorite meal, chicken Alfredo with broccoli on the side. Don't ask. I wasn't hungry at all so I didn't eat. I guess garnet thought the same, she didn't eat at all either.

"I'm gonna hop into a game after dinner wanna join?" Fred asks me and dad. "Maybe another time." I say, "aww, darn." Fred says. "I'm gonna chill out in my room for awhile." I say.

Garnet knew something was wrong and she followed me. As we got into the room I plopped down on the bed. "Are you okay?" Garnet asks laying with me running her fingers through my hair.

"I'm confused. If I'm half gem, how are me and Bailey biologically related? I want an answer. How come I still remember her face? When I remember her, she looks human." I rant. "I don't know but I think you should ask your dad about it. I'm just as confused as you." She said pulling my waist towards her body to cuddle.

"I love you" I whisper to her. "I love you more my love." She whispers back. "My head hurts from thinking too much." I complain. She laughed and went into the bathroom to grab the medicine. I took the medicine, "I think we should check up on Steven." I say. "Good idea." She replied.

We came out of our room to go and search for Steven. Alyssa was in her room FaceTiming her wife Riley. Fred and Amethyst were playing video games, and dad and crystal were watching a movie with Steven. Steven was asleep, I smile at the sight and picked him up, bridal style. I mouth to my dad 'he's sleeping, ima head to bed goodnight' he nodded and went back to the movie.

Garnet followed me to Steven's room. She opened the door for me and I put him in his bed. I whisper goodnight to him as he snuggled up into the blanket. Garnet said goodnight and we left the room, returning to ours.

We turned on a movie and did the same thing the previous night. Once the movie ended, we both were asleep. I felt a hands shaking my body. I roll over to see nothing but Steven.

"What's wrong buddy?" I sleepily ask. "Hmm?" Garnet said waking up. "I had a bad dream." He said, it looked like he was crying. "Aww buddy." I said lifting him up onto the bed. "What was the dream about?" I asked. "I-it was w-where y-you got hurt r-really badly." He sobbed into my arms.

"Would you like me to put you to bed?" I ask. "You're more than welcome to stay in our bed too." Garnet adds on. "I wanna stay with you and garnet." He says climbing in between me and garnet. Me and garnet laugh a bit.

"Movie?" He asks looking at both of us. "Sure" garnet says putting on his favorite Disney movie. I fell asleep after the first 10 minutes.

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