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TYSM for 100+ reads! I know this book isn't the best but I try.

Steven POV
I got dressed and ready for the day, wearing the same outfit I wear every single day. I happily walk down the stairs to eat breakfast. "Good morning!" I say happily.

I saw the pancakes and bacon in the middle of the table. I pick up a few pancakes and a few strips of bacon. "This looks good." I say taking a bite. "It is, my dad is really good at cooking this stuff." Y/N replied.

Crystal and mr. L/N were drinking coffee, black. Garnet and Y/N didn't eat anything, and amethyst was shoving food down her throat. "What are our plans for today?" I ask, "you'll see." Y/N and Garnet said at the same time. They must have gone over the plan last night.

"Alyssa and Fred will be here around 5:00," Mr. L/N said. "We would be back by then." Y/n responds.


"Y'all ready?" I ask hopping into the car. "Yup!" Amethyst and Steven said. Garnet gave me a thumbs up. They followed me into the car and Steven kept on asking questions.

"Where are we going? Are we gonna meet more people?" And more questions. "Right now we are headed to an arcade." I said. Steven's eyes lit up, "what games do they have there?" He asked. "A ton more games than beach city has. They also have a buffet." I reply.

I pulled into the driveway of the arcade. I paid for all of the food and games. Me and Steven played with a game to dance with. Amethyst was hooked on the go-karting, and garnet played with me and Steven. The winner had to face the player that sat out. Garnet won all of the games tho.

Steven got some prizes and snacks from all the tickets Garnet and I donated to him. We finally got amethyst to leave the go-karting area by bribing her with food.

We went to a (your choice of restaurant) and ate our food. An hour later we left and started the next activity. "Next on the list is the zoo. It closes in a few hours." I say having Garnet put the zoo on the GPS system.

"What animals do you guys wanna see?" I ask them. Steven said the lions, Amethyst said the gorillas, Garnet said the flamingos. I ofc said (favorite animal).

Steven and amethyst were sitting in the back talking about something i didn't know what tho. "Ya know, my mom would have loved to meet you." I whisper to Garnet. "Oh really? Who is your mother?" She whispered back. "Her name was M/n I don't remember much about her though." I whisper. She nodded and the conversation ended there.

I got to the parking lot and we headed on our way towards the zoo. We went and saw all the animals on our list and headed back home. "Have fun?" I asked the three. "YEAH! It was so fun! Thank you!" Steven shouted. "Yeah dude, it was fun." Amethyst says laughing. "It was amazing" Garnet said clam like always.

"I had fun too, it's time to get home." I say. I drove back to the house and saw my sibling getting stuff from their cars. I sprinted over to the two forgetting about the others. "Sissy! Hiii!" I shout hugging my sister. "Wassup," Alyssa said hugging back. I let go and went to my brother. "Hiii brother." I say hugging him. "Y/N your crushing me." He said.

"Sorry." I apologize. "Umm who are they?" Alyssa asks. "Oh-" I say before getting cut off. "I'm Steven!" Steven introduced his self to my siblings. "Sup little dude." Fred said. "I'll introduce the others when we get into the house." I say.

We went inside and they all introduced themselves to each other. Garnet was the last to introduce herself. "I'm your sister's girlfriend, garnet." She said. "Girlfriend?" Alyssa asks. "Yeah! We've been together for almost a month." I say. Garnet and my siblings started a conversation and I got bored.

"Im gonna play The Last Of Us pt 2,Peace out." I say running into the basement. I know I've played it a lot. (Spoilers!) once I got to the point where someone dies, I watch almost off my seat. "Ugh! Your gonna f*cking die!" Ellie screamed. Etc. "please stop! Please don't do this. Joel please get up!" Then Joel died. I started crying and paused the game. "NO!" I yelled. I got so mad I threw the controller.

(End of spoilers that was my reaction to when Joel died)

"Are you okay down there?" Crystal yelled down the stairs. "No! The stupid game killed the main character!" I yelled back up to her. "It's time for dinner anyways!" She yelled back. "Okay!" I yelled back wiping tears from my eyes.

I walk up the stairs and headed into the dining room. "You alright?" Garnet asks me. "Yeah. They killed Joel. Sadly." I say. Fred bursts out laughing "you've played the game a million times and you still have the same reaction." He said still laughing.

"Shut up!" I say laughing with him.

That's all for today. Have a good day/ night.

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