(21) ending

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(Day they are leaving)

"We need gas, pick up Connie, does everyone have everything?!" I shout.

"Yes." Steven shouts back. "Alright. Let's get the show on the road people let's go!" I shout. I ran down to my van. Pearl handed me luggage, enough room for Steven and Connie in the back.

"Steven, are you alright sitting in the back with Connie?" I asked. "Yeah!" He said climbing in the back. "I'll text doctor Maheswaren." I said going on my phone.

"I call front seat." Garnet said, "alright hop in the car." I said putting my phone down getting in the drivers spot. "Are you sure we are ready?" I asked.

"Yup, I got the good stuff to snack on." Amethyst replied. "Let's go. We don't want to be late," Pearl said. I nodded, "Wait. I realized something." Steven said.

"What did you realize?" I asked him as I pulled into a gas station. "We never met your other siblings," he said. "I'll explain when I get back." I said getting out to put the gas in the car. After that was done and paid for I got back in.

"Alright. Explain." Amethyst demanded and Steven nodded. I started driving. "Crystal was married before she met my dad. She and her husband had a few kids before they got divorced. When I was 13, their father took full custody of the three kids." I explained.

"Oh." Steven said, "does crystal ever see them?" Garnet asks. "No, I wish she could tho." I said shaking my head. "Connie's house," I sighed. "My dad was in prison from since I was 7 to 10." I said, "Paul, my uncle, took care of me for years." I finished.

"Why was he in prison again?" Pearl asked. "He killed someone." I responded. "Ah there we are." I said pulling near Connie's house. "I'll be back." I said exiting the car. I walked up to the door and rung the bell. Connie opened the door to let me in.

"Hi Connie!" I exclaimed. "Excited?" I asked. "Hi, yup!" She said. "Hello y/n," mr. Maheswaren greeted. "We will be back in a few days," I said. He nodded and told us to have fun. I helped her get in the car and put her luggage in the car.

(4 long hours later)

"Alrighty people we're here." I said. They all tumbled out the car. Garnet and I carried the luggage as pearl, amethyst, and Steven showed Connie around the mansion.

I put all of the luggage where they belonged before I greeted my siblings and parents. Garnet stood there really hesitantly. "Garnet!" I said waving my hand in front of her visors.

"Wha?" She asked. "You zoned out." I replied. Pearl and Garnet whispered to each other. I went over to Connie, amethyst, and Steven that were on the couch.

"Anyways," amethyst said before changing their conversation. She must have told the two something. Their mouths were open. "What's going on?" I asked. "You will see." Amethyst smirked.

"Okay?" I asked, I walked back over to my girlfriend who was talking to my dad. "Darling can you please leave us alone for a few minutes?" Garnet said. "Okay," I said eyeing her.

Weird. I went to the basement to find Fred playing among us on the computer. "Ayo what's the code?" I asked hopping on. He gave me the code and we played for awhile. "Y/N!" Steven yelled.

"Gotta go." I said into my mic. "Yeah!?" I shouted. "Come here!" He shouted back. I ran up the stairs and found Garnet with the keys to my van. "Ready?" She asked.

"For what?" I asked putting on my shoes and coat. "You will see." She smiled. "What's going on? Why is everyone acting so weird?" I asked. She didn't answer and started driving. She took me to a beautiful landscape and we walked for awhile. She faced me and smiled.

"Y/n m/n l/n, we have known each other for 6 years, you've been there for all of the good and bad. I want to spend the rest of our lives together." She said. "What?" I asked before she got on one knee.

"Will you make me, the two little beans the happiest people in the world and marry me/us?" She asked pulling out a beautiful diamond simple ring. I started crying. "Yes! A million times yes!" I shouted.

She jumped up and kissed me passionately. I put the ring on my ring finger and headed back to the car. Best Christmas gift ever.

Alright peeps. I will make a second book, I am planning on making a Tommyinit x tubbo x reader. Love you all thanks for the support!

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