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I got out of the hospital 30 minutes early, bonus. Pearl, amethyst, and Steven went with Greg. Pearl took my car to get here, Garnet drove me and her back.

"Sooo when do I get to meet the two small beans properly?" I ask Garnet. "Maybe when we get home. I'm not unfusing right now sorry honey bun." She states, her British voice rung through my ear.

I shiver a bit, she chuckles. "I'm so glad Pearl drove your car with Steven. Alone time." Garnet said. "Yup! I can't wait. I heard from Steven that you panicked?" I questioned.

"Yeah, I was worried. What can I expect? We have been together since Steven was 7, he's now 13." She stated. "I don't blame you for being worried at all hun." I say.

We arrive at the temple waiting for the others to come back. They stopped to get pizza. "We're back home. You said I could meet the little beans now." I say sitting down acting innocent.

"First take your meds then you can see the little beans." She says handing me a few pills. "Fine. You have to promise tho." I hold my pinkie out. "Deal." She says taking her pinkie away from mine.

I pop one pill at a time in my mouth and washing it down with water. "Ack it tastes bad." I complain. "I know" she says as she began to glow. Soon I see the same two small people. I hop down from my seat and go over to the two.

"Hi!" I say like a little kid. "Hello." The blue one greets. "Hey," the red one says. With stars in my eyes they began to introduce themselves. "I'm Sapphire." The blue one says, "and I am Ruby!" The red one says. "Hiiii!" I say hugging them.

They hugged back, "I'm finally taller than someone besides Steven and Amethyst!"
I exclaim. They giggled and fused again. "Nope I'm still taller." The fusion says.

"They. Were. Freaking. Adorable." I say walking over to the couch. "Not as adorable as you pumpkin." Garnet says following me and sitting down.

"Pizza! Is! Here!" Steven yelled walking through the door. Me, Garnet, and Amethyst laughed as Pearl smiled. "I'm so glad I'm home. What type of pizza you got?" I asked Steven.

"Taco, pepperoni, and breakfast pizza." Greg said sitting at the table. I take a piece of (your choice of pizza that was listed) and headed to the couch. "Does my dad know what happened?" I ask and the room fell silent.

"No..." Steven said, "good. He would have killed you all." I said. "Trust me he has before. Once." I finished. "Why?" Pearl asked. "After my mother's death my dad went insane. I had a stroke at my friends house and my dad killed my friend's mother." I explained.

"Your dad seemed like a good guy." Amethyst said, "well sorta, he became safer to be around after he met Crystal and her kids." I stated.

After that conversation, the gems went to their rooms. While me and Steven played Minecraft, mini golf, and Super Mario bros for hours. That was until, "Steven! Im gonna head back to the van!" Greg yelled, "I will see you later. I'll bring food." He shouted.

"Bye!" Steven shouted back. "Bye Greg!" I yelled. He waved and me and Steven went back to playing video games. "I wanna watch a movie." I say pausing the game. "What movie?" Steven asks, "nightmare before Christmas?" I asked. "Yes I love that movie." Steven said.

I put the movie on and me and Steven watched the movie on his bed. "Welcome home big sis." Steven sighed. "Thanks little bro," I smile. He smiled back and we continued the movie.

A little while later after the movie Amethyst came out of her room. "I'm bored!" She complained, "same," I said getting on my phone. "We should get Garnet and Pearl a phone." I state.

"What about amethyst?" Steven asked. "She already has one. She got it for Christmas from my dad, remember?" I reply.

After I said that Garnet came out of her room. "Hi!" I greet her. "Hello." She responds. I heard a knock on the door and answered it. I saw a girl standing before me. "Hi, is Steven home?" She asked.

"Yes-" I try to say before getting cut off. "Connie!" Steven shouted. I moved aside to let her inside, she and Steven hugged. "Who are you?" She asks, "I'm y/n," I hold my hand out.

"Connie, I've heard about you, Steven talks about you a lot." Connie greets me, "oh really?" I ask. She nodded and knocked on the gems door. "Connie! Your here, time for training." Pearl said walking out of her room.

"3:00 training huh?" I ask. "Yup!" Connie responds "let's go." Pearl said as she, Connie, and Steven warped away. "I'm meeting a lot of people today." I say going over to garnet. "Yeah you are." She said.

"Aight ima head out" amethyst said going out the door. "Bye," I said. She didn't reply.

"Are you okay?" Garnet asks. "I'm okay I'm just tired." I say as she sits down. I laid in her lap, "then take a nap." She suggested, I shake my head. "No." I disagree, "yes." She argued.

Shaking my head one more time, "fine. Tickle attack!" She said tickling me. Laughing really, "ha Garnet! Hahaha! Stop!" I say, she stops. I take off her visors "kiss attack." I say kissing her everywhere on her face. She allowed me to do so.

Until I stopped she returned the attack. Laughing at her and myself. "I love kiss attacks." I say, "I know" she responded proudly. We lay there, me slowly falling asleep on her lap. "And I won the debate." She whispered.

An hour later I woke up "it's too bright!" I complain like a child. "Hello you big baby." Garnet says. "Hi." I say using my hand to block the flashlight of my phone. "Turn it off!" I complain. "Okay, okay." She says and turns it off.

I sat up in my chair and turned on a movie. "What movie are we watching?" I ask Garnet before the warp turns on. Pearl, Steven, and Connie warped back. "How was training?" I ask Connie as she hurried to get her back ready.

"Good, I gotta go before my mom kills me." She yells.

Alright. Ruby and Sapphire's wedding vows are adorable! 1050 words. Have a good day/night.

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