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Garnet POV

Waking up around 7:30 I see my girlfriend sleeping peacefully. I set an alarm like I usually do and crawl back into bed to cuddle her.

"Isn't she precious?" Sapphire asked. "Yeah. She is." Ruby answered. They kissed each other and continue to stare at Y/N with a smile.

The alarm went off and she didn't wake up. She didn't pout. She didn't move. I went to check if she's still breathing, she is. She's alive. "Rise and shine pumpkin." I exclaimed opening the blinds.

Not working. At this point I started to panic. "My love?" I ask. I shook her a little , still no effect. "Y/n?" I asked loud enough for Steven to hear.

Steven came rushing into the room. "Garnet what's wrong? Is Y/N okay?" The teenager asked worriedly. "She isn't waking up." I panic. "Uh- I- what do I do?" I ask almost unfusing die to stress. "I'll call the ambulance." Steven shouts running to his room.

(Steven POV)

I'm terrified. This is the first time garnet has asked me what to do. Garnet was on the edge of unfusing and I called the ambulance. "They are on their way!" I yelled.

"Who is on their way?" Pearl asked coming out of her room. She soon saw a crying sapphire and ruby. "What. Happened." Pearl said.

"Yo- oh what happened?" Amethyst asked.

"Y/N won't wake up. The ambulance is on its way." I explain. Walking up to sapphire and ruby, trying to comfort them.

"It's okay. She will wake up soon." I reassure them. "No Steven, you don't know that. None of us do. Not even me." Sapphire said floating up to the bed.

Soon enough the ambulance came. Police officers, asking us questions. "Did she take any medication?" The officer asks. "No. She didn't," Ruby says still crying.

There were other questions but I didn't pay attention. The officer left after the questions. I called my dad.

"Hello?" Dad asked
"Hey, the gems and I need a ride." I say
"Why?" He replied
"Y/N is in the hospital." I say
"Oh my stars. Is she okay? I can't loose someone like a daughter to me." Dad said
"She wouldn't wake up and Garnet tried everything." I state
"How is Garnet? I'm headed over there right now" he asked
"She unfused." I say
"I understand I'll be there shortly." He said

"Well is he coming or what?" A panicked ruby asked. "He's coming." I say calming her a bit. Sapphire stayed silent still crying holding a picture of garnet and y/n.

"She isn't dead you know." I say. "But it feel like it!" Sapphire yelled freezing the bed." Ruby looked scared. She paced around the room fire in her steps not realizing she was burning the wooden floor.

"I'm here! Hop in the van." Dad says rushing through the door. Without hesitation Ruby and Sapphire were out of the door. Pearl followed and amethyst hibernated in her room because of stress.

"Who is gonna tell Mr. L/N?" I ask. Pearl looked at me and said "nobody has his phone number." I nodded.

"How you guys doing?" I ask the two sitting next to me. They stayed silent both worried about their lover.

"I hope she's okay." I say.


Why can't I wake up? Watching them all from where I sat. Garnet glowed and two ladies were in the spot where garnet stood. Steven called the ambulance and everything. "Why can't you see me?" I ask hoping for them to hear me.

"I'm right here." I sob. I can't be dead. My body is still breathing. I studied the two little people. Is Garnet a fusion? There was one blue person. Looked like a sapphire. And one was red. The gem looked like a Ruby.

It makes sense now. Twice the more love. I can't wait until I wake up. I will wake up, right?

(Steven POV)

The doctor came up to us and ruby and sapphire started asking a lot of questions. "Slow down." I tell them. "Anyways what's wrong doctor?" I ask, "she will be okay, she just is in coma. She should be waking up in a few days." The doctor said.

"Oh thank god!" Pearl and my dad exclaimed. Ruby and Sapphire fuses into garnet again. "Can we see her?" She asks. "Yes, you may." The doctor responded. "Room 198," he said.

"I'm glad your fused again," I say walking beside her. "I'm glad I'm back, I'm sorry. I was scared."  She apologized. "No need to be sorry. It's your nature to be scared." I say.

I look behind me to see Pearl and Dad chatting. "I'm glad their getting along." Garnet says opening Y/N's door. "Me too." I replied.

Garnet rushed to the nearest chair by y/n's bed. We stayed there for awhile until I got hungry. "I'm hungry," I complain. "Let's go get some food like McDonald's or something." Dad suggested. "You coming?" He asked Garnet and Pearl.

"Pass." Garnet said. "I'll go but I'm not eating." Pearl said.

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