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It's been a few months since the whole fire incident

I woke up around 10:30 like a normal person on a weekend. I noticed that Steven wasn't in the temple so I guessed the gems went on a mission. That was until I walked into the kitchen and saw garnet. "Where are the others?" I asked. "They went on a mission to find the Heaven Beatle, I already found the earth Beatle." Garnet replied. I hummed in response and made myself some cereal and toast for breakfast. "I want to take you somewhere" garnet said randomly. I nodded if I was saying alright. I got up and grabbed a yellow shirt and blue ripped jeans. I hopped in the shower and went through my daily routine. I put on the clothes I set out and brushed my H/C hair and put a yellow clip on the side to keep the hair from getting out of my face. "Alright I'm ready" I said putting on my shoes. "I'll drive." Garnet said as she was getting ready to walk out the door.

"Where are you taking me anyways?" I ask. She smiled and said "you'll have to wait and see," I playfully huffed and my favorite song came on. "Ooh hey I love this song!" I say lively. As I start singing the song, I forgot all about all of my worries, like my sister. As the song ended, garnet applauded, I guess we're already here. "That was amazing Y/N" she blushed. "Thank you!" I said slightly blushing. I never thought of it but the gems have kinda become my family. Pearl, the overprotective bird mother. Amethyst, an older sibling who loves to have fun. Steven, a clueless little brother filled with love. Connie, soon to be sister in law, we all know Steven and Connie like each other. And garnet, I don't know, I kinda get a feeling in my stomach, like butterflies almost, when she's around. I end to be more happier when I'm around her. "Is it something to do with a secret spot?" I guessed. "I can't say." She chuckled. Me and garnet walked for about a solid 5 minutes. Soon I see a field full of pretty flowers. "Wow!" I yell as I stared in awe running through them. Garnet ran after me laughing "that isn't the surprise!" She yelled after me. She playfully tackled me. I closed my eyes and laughed. Once I got up I sprinted until I found a lake. Garnet followed as well, "wow isn't it pretty?" I say in awe. "Not as pretty as you," Garnet mumbled. "What was that," I said obviously knowing what she said. "Nothing," she said as we sat down. I lay down on the grass. I sighed and closed my eyes, "can it stay like this forever?" I ask, "It's so peaceful."
"Sadly no," she calmly said.
"Aww darn." I reply
"You know, I think I should tell you something." Garnet said, "hm?" I ask. She took my hand and pulled me up into a hugging position. She took off her visors, now I know this was serious. I stared into her three beautiful eyes, one red, one blue, and one purple. "I know I haven't showed it at all, besides from today. I really like you Y/N, your so kind to all of us. I would like to ask you a question." She said, a huge blush appeared across my face, "I- garnet, you have no idea how long I wanted to hear those words." I smiled widely. "Ask away," I said, "would you, be mine?" She asked. "Of course," I smiled. She put her visors back on and yelled "YES!" She picked me up and spun me around kissing my forehead. "I think we should get going, the others are probably back." I said laughing of joy. Day completed, even though it's 3:30 P.M, "hold up," I said grabbing a few flowers. I chose a F/C flower for me, and Red, Blue, and purple flowers for garnet. I handed her the flowers and said "they match your eyes." I smiled. "Thanks love-bug," she said. We drove home, talked about food to order for dinner. We ended up choosing pizza for dinner. As soon as we reached the temple, I opened the wooden glass door. "Home sweet home." I said as I plopped on the couch. Garnet sat at the island, "they're not back yet?" I ask, "not yet but soon they will." Garnet said. I turn on the TV and watched some Demon Slayer. 10 minutes into the show, I turned it off and Steven and a random lady appeared. "Steven! Who is that?" I ask. "Where is the beetle?" Garnet asks. "I don't have it." The lady said, as a glow formed and Amethyst and Pearl fell. "Don't worry! I've got it!" Steven said like a ball of sunshine. He handed the beetle to garnet. "What was that anyways?" I ask. "Well, that was fusion. Gems use it when they need or want to." Pearl explained. "There are different types of fusions, it all depends on your relationship with someone." Garnet added. "So like love?" I ask, "just like love." Garnet replied. "I wanna learn fusion!" Me and Steven beamed. "Maybe another time, let's get some pizza." Garnet said. "Okay! I wanna watch some Disney movies tonight." I said like a child. "Then that's what we will do." Pearl said. I smiled and went to change. I walked into my room, closed the door and put on a stitch onesie. I came out showing my heart of a four year old. We ate pizza and watched the movies. Then I crashed on the couch, leaning on Garnet like a pillow. She's so warm and cozy. "Goodnight" she whispered.

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