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Alrighty people let's get to it sorry for posting so late. I'm changing the gem to a Jade

It's around Spring, April turning to may, I've learned a lot so far this year. Pearl said that she and I will start training after fall has started.

"Are you alright dear?" A British accent says."what?" I say as I look up from my position that I was in. Apparently I fell down the stairs. "Didn't that hurt? It was quite a fall." She says again.

Laughing, "yup!" I say happily. "You seen in a good mood since it's only 5 A.M." Pearl noticed with a light blue blush spreading on her cheeks. I got confused for a second and shrugged it off. She and garnet left so I could be at peace.

Sitting on the sand watching the waves wash over my feet was so delightful. I didn't know anyone was near. 'I wonder what Bailey and dad are doing right now' I thought, I miss them so much.

I sighed and closed my eyes. "It really is pretty out here," a voice whispered into my ear. I slightly jump at the voice but slowly settle down once I knew who it was. "It really is." I say leaning my head on her shoulder. "Not as pretty as you though." I add on to my comment. "Haha you got me." She laughed.

She kissed my forehead then moved me to an more comfortable position for her and me. I closed my eyes not wanting to leave this spot. I must have fell asleep because I woke up on the couch.

"Morning Y/N" A cheerful voice said walking through the door. "Good morning Steven." I smile. Reaching for the remote, I turn on one of my favorite movies of all time. F/M, (favorite movie)

"Is that F/M? Sick move over." Amethyst said basically running to the couch to watch the movie. I moved over like I was told. And the movie started.

(TIME SKIP by laziness)

"Damn that was good." Amethyst chuckled. Pearl and Garnet would be out of their rooms by now. I wonder if they are on a mission. All of a sudden my phone starts ringing a catchy tune. My little sister is calling!  Walking out of the house I answer the call with a 'Hello?'

Bold- Bailey
Normal- Y/N

"Hey! I have a question"
"Oh great. Ask away"
"Dad and I we're wondering if you could take a trip to see us with the Gems? Dad wants know more about them"
"Okay! I'll be down next Monday okay?"

'That was kinda suspicious, something isn't adding up. Dad did pick Bailey up way earlier than expected. I wonder if he was already here. It took us 4 hours to get here too.' I thought as I walk back into the house

I'm sorry for the late post I started working on this at 11:30 lol it's past midnight now. I tried a different writing style. Happy New Year's Eve 2020 is almost over. Finally. Goodbye my lovelies.

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